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Need Help Making a Small Mod


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I am currently trying to make a mod utilizing textures and meshes (that I have permission to use) that will replace the player character's werewolf form with that of a dragon looking being (will hopefully name were-croc to remain lore friendly) while still keeping compatable with werewolf perks, stats, mods, etc.


The reason for this is that I have seen many people request this sort of mod for argonian werewolves (myself included) because of the fact that they lack hair and is immersion breaking when a lizard goes to wolf however I lack any modding knowledge and it is turning out to be more complex than I had imagined.


I have the textures... I can even apply them to the default werewolf body, but when I use the mesh I become purple/ pink with no texture. I would love to give full credit to anyone who helps.


The texture is the swamp draman from the Immersive Monster mod.

Edited by scorpiongod
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Hmmm... If you're willing to send me the files, I MIGHT be able to make them work. Especially because I ONLY work on mods relating to Argonians.

Sweet, to make it even easier all you have to do is download the "Immersive creatures" mod http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/24913/? and all sounds, textures, meshes are in there. The author has given me full permission to make this mod so I assume that means I can ask for help. The correct mesh is labeled "felalnirdoneswamp" and the correct textures I believe are "alduinswamp.dds" and "felalnirarmsswam_d.dds." However I am not sure about the sound files, and truth be told the only reason I am not sending you the files directly is because I am not completely sure that they are correct.

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