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Vanilla opening with Alt start-live another life


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hey everybody,

with alternative start- live another life you get all the different choices and then you go off and have some adventures, then when you get bored you go to helgen, and.........read a book,

dont get me wrong i love this mod but its way of starting the main quest is a big let down so what im after is a way, (preferably through console commads) to force the vanilla opening for skyrim to play out (after ive had my fun adventuring and levelling up) as the devs planned , with all the carriage talk and nearly getting your head chopped off,


this is where it gets difficult because Ive already tried a few things with it like disabling LAL saving reenabling it then teleporting to the start room and consoling the LAL quest to start and selecting the "caught crossing the border" and activating the bed but all that does is complete LAL and then leave me stuck in the room,

and yes it does work on a brand new save but not my current one, even though the other options (like left for dead or shipwreaked) work fine

if any one can help then thank you very much but if not then i guess i'll either have to attack CK for it or just stick with it




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