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Starting a new game and looking to build up.


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Hello all,


So I had a couple issues working around with BBLS but I eventually got it all figured out. But my working the past couple of days after being away from Skyrim for months as I updated a bunch of mods and got a little more knowledgeable about it all has inspired me to start with a clean slate. Delete all my saves and start over. So what I'm looking at is just mods in general, some can be added any time but some must be added at the start of the game and kept through.


That being said, I'll give you guys my lists of specs and what mods I have and everything.




Latest Steam Version




All High Resolution Packs




Nexus Mod Manager

Processor - Intel i7 3630qm (2.4-3.4 GHz, Quad Core, Turboboost blah blah)

Video Card - NVIDIA GeForce GT 630M




Okay, now onto the mods I have now. Anything bolded I don't mind throwing out for the sake of a more interesting mod. Anything underlined and bolded is a mod I want to get rid of.





The Aldmeri Domain

Adal Matar

South Dragon Bridge

The Frontier to Cyrodil

The Paarthurnax Dilemma

Here There Be Monsters

Spend Dragon Souls For Perks

Prides of Skyrim

Mike's Mystical Mounts

Better Follower Improvements (Is turned off)

Horses for Followers (Is turned off)

Console Books

Sheogorath Shout - Call of Madness!

Kagrenac's Instant Fortress

Marriable Serana

Skyrim Spells and Powers by WarriorKeKe

Call of Trainwiz


Magic Duel

Midas Magic

Bandolier - Bags and Pouches

Unread Books Glow

Northern Bathhouses

FNIS Behavior Files Versions 3.4 Beta

FNIS Behavior 3.5

FNIS Idle Spells 3.5

The Dance of Death


Better Females by Bella

XP32 Maximum Skeleton Dagger N Back 1H Sword

Better Males Faces - Nomoreblockyfaces

Better Males Nudes - Erect Version


UNP Standard BBP and TBBP Nude Body Bouncing Breasts UNP Standard BBP Complete Package

Adult Show XXX Potions (Off)

Adult Show XXX Spells

Apachi Skyhair

Bathing Beauties - Apachi Hair for Suite Residents

Bathing Beauties - Luxery Suite

Bathing Beauties - SEQ Files for BBLS

Dimonized UNP female Body BASE


Migals Housecarl Beauties

Vilja in Skryim

Rayek's End







Now onto the mods I've got my mind on.




I'm told to install all the unofficial patches. How come?

Climates of Tamriel

Seasons of Skyrim

Quality World Map

ShowRaceMenu Precache Killer

Dragon Combat Overhaul

Frostfall or Wet And Cold (I prefer wet and cold, but Frostfall often has more compatibility, especially with SkyRe which I'm not sure how I feel about)

Run For Your Lives and When Vampires Attack (which go with Wet and Cold)

Guard Dialog Overhaul



There are so many follower overhauls, not sure which one to pick?


I've thought of one of many multiple marriage mods, but I'm told they conflict with Marriable Serana so unless there's one that fits with that mod or does the same job I'd prefer that one.

Interesting NPCs


I'd like to pick a werewolf overhaul, but there's a few of them that look decent and I'd be willing to pick one or another based on confliction.


Puppeteer Master


Gangnam Style Dance Animation


I'd be willing to replace Adult Show with Animated Prostitution if the second is better. I don't really know all that much about these things ^_^;. (Which makes me think of Paradise Halls - but I'd rather not start from a clean save every time I want to upgrade it.)






...and that's about it, I think.


I'll gladly take any recommendation - though I tend to enjoy addons of "new lands" and quests i.e Wyrmstooth, ect.


As for graphics/visuals - I don't mind them, they're great to look at, but I'm not super anal about the visuals and tend to turn my game down to medium video quality despite the autodetector telling me to use high. So if I can't run Climates of Tamriel on my laptop it's no big deal.


There was one mod that I was looking at that would give NPCs access to all the modded in spells. No thank you. There's nothing wrong with having tougher enemies but I don't want to have dragons using Call of Trainwiz or something and killing NPCs all over.


Also joke mods are great. I think Super Skyrim Bros is hilarious and can't wait to try it out. Any FNIS animations are welcome.


PS: Also guides tell me to get Wyre Bash. Is it so important?

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The unofficial patches fix things the official patches don't, so that's pretty handy... My middle-range PC can use Climates of Tamriel, so if yours is telling you to use high graphics you can run it probably no problem. Interesting NPCs is great... Quality World Map, Guard Dialogue Overhaul, and the Run For Your Lives ones are all mods I consider necessary.


Why are Frostfall and Wet & Cold an "or"? I use them both, and they enhance each other rather than being mutually exclusive. I guess if I were to make a choice it would be Frostfall because of the hypothermia, but honestly I consider them both necessary too.


I don't have anything to say on the followers or werewolves since I'm a lone vampire :P From what I hear AP is superior to Adult Show, but I don't speak from experience. Wrye Bash I succumbed and got a while ago, and I can't swear that it's necessary, but it certainly is useful. It can tell you what mods are active in a given save game, for one, so you can change mods out without too much worry.

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The unofficial patches fix things the official patches don't, so that's pretty handy... My middle-range PC can use Climates of Tamriel, so if yours is telling you to use high graphics you can run it probably no problem. Interesting NPCs is great... Quality World Map, Guard Dialogue Overhaul, and the Run For Your Lives ones are all mods I consider necessary.


Why are Frostfall and Wet & Cold an "or"? I use them both, and they enhance each other rather than being mutually exclusive. I guess if I were to make a choice it would be Frostfall because of the hypothermia, but honestly I consider them both necessary too.


I don't have anything to say on the followers or werewolves since I'm a lone vampire :P From what I hear AP is superior to Adult Show, but I don't speak from experience. Wrye Bash I succumbed and got a while ago, and I can't swear that it's necessary, but it certainly is useful. It can tell you what mods are active in a given save game, for one, so you can change mods out without too much worry.


Well that's encouraging! I was worried about installing Climates and having the silly thing crash and burn. I'll look at those ones and probably download them tonight after work. I don't -think- they have any conflictions.


I think it's an "or" for two reasons - they do a lot of the same, and I'm not super keen on the hypothermia, and it says "If using Frostfall 2.0+, the player's drip effects from my mod will be automatically disabled" which I actually was an interesting feature, unless Frostfall just replaces it.


I've never actually played as a vampire. But in my file I was thinking for a long time of going vampire lord. As for Wyre Bash telling me what mods are active in any given file - that sounds extremely useful.

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I think it's an "or" for two reasons - they do a lot of the same, and I'm not super keen on the hypothermia, and it says "If using Frostfall 2.0+, the player's drip effects from my mod will be automatically disabled" which I actually was an interesting feature, unless Frostfall just replaces it.


*nod* Frostfall has its own drips which replace the wet and cold ones. All of the camping and lighting fires things in Frostfall are cool, but I guess if I didn't want the hypothermia I wouldn't use it.


I can't speak about your mod list since they're different from mine, but the mods I mentioned don't have conflicts with each other at least ^^

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I think what I'll probably do then is give Frostfall a spin, and if I like it I'll keep it for my new save.


I also installed all the unofficial patches, except the HiRes one because I don't run that (I have an inkling it's incompatible with one of the mods I have).


I'm also going to delete Prides of Skyrim for the new save. It's not that enjoyable of a mod, and is a bit silly and pointless to have random lion packs roaming the frozen wasteland.

Edited by Septemvile
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