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Improved Legion presence


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We all know Caesar's Legion was originally meant to have a lot more influence on the Mojave than what we got in the base game.

You don't see the Legion as much other than in the southeast of the Mojave and outside of the Fort, the Hoover Dam battle and hit squads, there's hardly to no presence of vexillari, explorers, centurions and praetorians on the wasteland, despite the loading screen tips.


At late-game, most NCR troopers such as heavy troopers and veteran rangers would spawn in place of regular NCR troopers but according to NPC banter, the Legion would also do the same but there's still mostly only recruit legionaries on the wasteland.


I know there's a mod which increases the presence of legionaries throughout the Mojave, but I don't feel like that's enough.


Not just that, but I also feel like the assassins when you have negative reputation with them have armor too powerful for early game, same for the NCR aswell. I'd suggest a script where hit squads would have weak and powerful armor on early game and late game respectively.

Edited by Panzermann11
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