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Cities overhauls + AI Overhaul or Immersive Citizens ?

Guest deleted6419983

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Guest deleted6419983

Hi there just a big silly questions On your Preferrences guys

What you rather do Change entire city with mods like jk series or Other ? or only add on immersion by picking AI overhaul or Immersive Citizens ?

The think here is that you cant have either city or AI overhaul because of Navmesh they are usually impossible for playing the game and mostly only for Showcase so its a shame that i always have to sacrafice city overhauls and go only with some AI overhaul if there is not a proper patch the NPC Will get stuck in wall and objects and pretty much all of those ugly stuff. So i rather chose NPC Overhaul and Leave City overhaul completly intact just so my immersion is full.ITs a shame though i think this problem could be solved if people who making City overhaul would count on start on making patch for AI And Immersive Citizens.As far i know there are only two of these mods than Change NPC Behaviors and paths. So it shoudnt be much of a problem right to pick one and stick with it when making a city overhaul.

Anyway what are your tought on this topic im just interested.If you rather left npc stupid and have nice cities or Smart npc and make Cities vanilla with some nice texture pack over with ? I always fell like because of lack of patches the second option is better.

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I use AI Overhaul with the Arthmoor/JKs combo. I used to use IC, but there were a lot of conflicts and there were little to no patches available (prohibited?) so I switched. AIO does things a bit differently, maybe miss a few specific scenes at first, but the NPCs are still busy and lively, and there are no navmesh or structural changes to conflict with my expansions. Far fewer headaches, with AIO.

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I use AI Overhaul with the Arthmoor/JKs combo.

I neither use AI Overhaul or NPC Overhaul, but I do use Arthmoor's Open CIties and that's a-must-have mod for me.


As I recall it, all mods Arthmoor have realeased always have the latest USSEP fixes included in his updates, so using Open CIties with another AI/NPC overhaul mod should work together unless a patch is required.

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