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Need help, potion cost formula


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Hey. I made edits to potions like fire resist to make them useful during prolonged combat. I'm talking like, 90% fire resist for 1200 seconds. I'm playing a heavily modded setup here with damage values in the hundreds and enemies with thousands of hit points. Don't ask why. Problem is, that makes my potions cost, like 90k each, even with maxed out speech and all the perks. I need to make potions cost less, without nerfing them. Any ideas? economy mods don't work, I'm thinking there's something I can do modify with SSEdit.

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Just, to clarify here, I've found the entry for 'value', and I've played around with it. for a healing potion for instance, you can change it to add 500 health, and have a value of 1, but when you load in, merchants will be selling that potion for around 5000 smackeroos. Which is... too much. Potions that give 9999 health are unfathomably expensive. like bankrupt everyone expensive.

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