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Help with my Quest please.

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Aggg.... yet another problem :sad:

I've been away from SSE modding far too long...
or I'm just going senile after lockdown o_O


I've writen dozens if not hundreds of quests for SSE without problems in the past...
But this time around I just can't get it to even start :sad:


I have these lines in a script...

Quest Property MyQuest Auto ;This sets correctly... I think :smile:
. <more code where quest would be started..>
Debug.Notification("Quest stage... "+ MyQuest.getStage())


In the command window I can 'setstage MyQuest 10' and getstage does say it's 10

but nothing else happens... it should add a jouirnal entry...

and Getstage() from script always shows as 0 ???

I can rerun the script for testing...


Quest ID = MyQuest, and is setup as miscellanious, event = none
I've recompiled all the scripts and check all the properties.
Have created a SEQ file... and generated voice files... all be it they are just silence.

It's as if the script and the command screen are looking at different quests ???

and nether are the correct one...


Anyone have any idea's.

I'm fairly sure it's just something simple I've missed.

Edited by TheWanderer001
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