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Animated taunting (maybe with debuffs etc.?)


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Basically giving the player an ability to do the same animated taunts that NPCs do (bashing their shields, lifting their weapons etc.), maybe via an MCM hotkey?


The animations already exist in the vanilla game too (to my knowledge), as seen here:




I would love if it also had some kind of "aggro" effects on NPCs as well - like forcing them to attack you and drawing enemies from your followers/NPCs? Basically something along the lines of what I have seen in the Housecarls Are Tanks SE, except for the player and with animation/AOE aggro effect?


To my knowledge there used tob a mod that did exactly that called "Player Taunting Ability with Animations", but it was scrubbed clean off the internet and the author even deleted all of their social medias altogether so I couldn't contact them. :/


Thanks in advance to whoever decides to at least consider it!

Edited by Deathstruck
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