malwilson Posted May 27, 2013 Share Posted May 27, 2013 (edited) hey i am prety new to fourms and sutch things but i was wondering if anyone here could help me find the cause of my crash and posibly how to fix it anyways basicaly at the end of most of my logs when i crash i have this error warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (0010833E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that propertynow i have no idea what that is or how to get rid of it have you guys seen anything like that i have quite a few mods.... anyways here is the full log if you need any more detals ask me liek what kind of mods im using , ext ext [05/27/2013 - 11:32:36AM] Papyrus log opened (PC)[05/27/2013 - 11:32:36AM] Update budget: 1.200000ms (Extra tasklet budget: 1.200000ms, Load screen budget: 500.000000ms)[05/27/2013 - 11:32:36AM] Memory page: 128 (min) 512 (max) 76800 (max total)[05/27/2013 - 11:32:46AM] Cannot open store for class "dlc1scwispwallscript", missing file?[05/27/2013 - 11:32:46AM] Cannot open store for class "DLC2BenthicLurkerFXSCRIPT", missing file?[05/27/2013 - 11:32:47AM] Cannot open store for class "ShapeshiftScript", missing file?[05/27/2013 - 11:32:48AM] Cannot open store for class "cluxHouseEnabler", missing file?[05/27/2013 - 11:32:48AM] Error: Unable to bind script cluxHouseEnabler to (15007ADE) because their base types do not match[05/27/2013 - 11:32:48AM] Error: Unable to bind script cluxHouseEnabler to (15006919) because their base types do not match[05/27/2013 - 11:32:48AM] Error: Unable to bind script cluxHouseEnabler to (15006915) because their base types do not match[05/27/2013 - 11:32:48AM] Error: Unable to bind script cluxHouseEnabler to (15006911) because their base types do not match[05/27/2013 - 11:32:48AM] Error: Unable to bind script cluxHouseEnabler to (15006909) because their base types do not match[05/27/2013 - 11:32:48AM] Error: Unable to bind script DLC2WaterScript to (0401AAD8) because their base types do not match[05/27/2013 - 11:32:52AM] warning: Property marker on script AQLeverActivator attached to alias Lever on quest AldiQuest (4B18BAC1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:32:52AM] warning: Property AKM_HorseID on script AKM_PlayerScript attached to alias Player on quest AKM_Book_Quest (6300B2CE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:32:52AM] warning: Property mq7bardscene3 on script mq7partybardscript attached to (4B1B8EE1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:32:52AM] Error: Property HirelingRehireScript on script follower3dnpc attached to DialogueFollower3DNPC (4B13184C) cannot be bound because DialogueFollower3DNPC (4B13184C) is not the right type[05/27/2013 - 11:32:52AM] warning: Property CWSiegeObj on script WZONESCWStatusScript attached to (0900BCC2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:32:52AM] warning: Property pTG05KarliahInvisibilitySpell on script QF_TG05_00021551 attached to TG05 (00021551) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:32:52AM] Error: Property Prisoner01 on script defaultPrisonerDoorSCRIPT attached to (4B1736BD) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (4B17366D) is not the right type[05/27/2013 - 11:32:52AM] Error: Property Prisoner02 on script defaultPrisonerDoorSCRIPT attached to (4B1736BD) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (4B17366E) is not the right type[05/27/2013 - 11:32:53AM] warning: Property AKM_HorseID on script AKM_Book_Quest attached to AKM_Book_Quest (6300B2CE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:32:53AM] warning: Property m2sceneFg on script mq2_3dnpc45 attached to (4B1A0098) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:32:53AM] warning: Property HircinesRingPower on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:32:53AM] warning: Property MarkerB on script KjoliWeddingScript attached to (4B1637A4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:32:53AM] warning: Property MarkerA on script KjoliWeddingScript attached to (4B1637A4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:32:53AM] warning: Property TG05KarliahInvisibilitySpell on script tg06questscript attached to TG06 (00021552) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:32:53AM] VM is freezing...[05/27/2013 - 11:32:53AM] VM is frozen[05/27/2013 - 11:32:53AM] Reverting game...[05/27/2013 - 11:32:53AM] Error: Unable to bind script cluxHouseEnabler to (15006911) because their base types do not match[05/27/2013 - 11:32:54AM] Error: Unable to bind script cluxHouseEnabler to (15006915) because their base types do not match[05/27/2013 - 11:32:54AM] Error: Unable to bind script DLC2WaterScript to (0401AAD8) because their base types do not match[05/27/2013 - 11:32:54AM] Error: Unable to bind script cluxHouseEnabler to (15006909) because their base types do not match[05/27/2013 - 11:32:54AM] Error: Unable to bind script cluxHouseEnabler to (15006919) because their base types do not match[05/27/2013 - 11:32:54AM] Error: Unable to bind script cluxHouseEnabler to (15007ADE) because their base types do not match[05/27/2013 - 11:32:54AM] warning: Property AKM_HorseID on script AKM_PlayerScript attached to alias Player on quest AKM_Book_Quest (6300B2CE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:32:54AM] warning: Property mq7bardscene3 on script mq7partybardscript attached to (4B1B8EE1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:32:54AM] Error: Property HirelingRehireScript on script follower3dnpc attached to DialogueFollower3DNPC (4B13184C) cannot be bound because DialogueFollower3DNPC (4B13184C) is not the right type[05/27/2013 - 11:32:54AM] warning: Property CWSiegeObj on script WZONESCWStatusScript attached to (0900BCC2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:32:54AM] warning: Property marker on script AQLeverActivator attached to alias Lever on quest AldiQuest (4B18BAC1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:32:54AM] Error: Property Prisoner01 on script defaultPrisonerDoorSCRIPT attached to (4B1736BD) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (4B17366D) is not the right type[05/27/2013 - 11:32:54AM] Error: Property Prisoner02 on script defaultPrisonerDoorSCRIPT attached to (4B1736BD) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (4B17366E) is not the right type[05/27/2013 - 11:32:54AM] warning: Property HircinesRingPower on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:32:54AM] warning: Property pTG05KarliahInvisibilitySpell on script QF_TG05_00021551 attached to TG05 (00021551) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:32:54AM] warning: Property TG05KarliahInvisibilitySpell on script tg06questscript attached to TG06 (00021552) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:32:54AM] warning: Property AKM_HorseID on script AKM_Book_Quest attached to AKM_Book_Quest (6300B2CE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:32:54AM] warning: Property m2sceneFg on script mq2_3dnpc45 attached to (4B1A0098) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:32:54AM] warning: Property MarkerB on script KjoliWeddingScript attached to (4B1637A4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:32:54AM] warning: Property MarkerA on script KjoliWeddingScript attached to (4B1637A4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:32:56AM] warning: Property Act_DoActionOnlyOnce on script DLC2dunNchardakPedestalScript attached to (0401D4C9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:33:07AM] Error: Unable to bind script cluxHouseEnabler to (15007ADE) because their base types do not match[05/27/2013 - 11:33:07AM] Error: Unable to bind script cluxHouseEnabler to (15006915) because their base types do not match[05/27/2013 - 11:33:07AM] Error: Unable to bind script cluxHouseEnabler to (15006909) because their base types do not match[05/27/2013 - 11:33:07AM] Error: Unable to bind script cluxHouseEnabler to (15006919) because their base types do not match[05/27/2013 - 11:33:07AM] Error: Unable to bind script cluxHouseEnabler to (15006911) because their base types do not match[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] Loading game...[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] Cannot open store for class "_DE_BackpackToggle", missing file?[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Unable to get type _DE_BackpackToggle referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] Cannot open store for class "cluxRiftenEnabler", missing file?[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Unable to get type cluxRiftenEnabler referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] Cannot open store for class "HuntersVisionSkyUIConfigMenuScript", missing file?[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Unable to get type HuntersVisionSkyUIConfigMenuScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] Cannot open store for class "_DE_VendorStock", missing file?[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Unable to get type _DE_VendorStock referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] Cannot open store for class "cluxWinterholdEnabler", missing file?[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Unable to get type cluxWinterholdEnabler referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] Cannot open store for class "huntersvisionkeypressscript", missing file?[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Unable to get type huntersvisionkeypressscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] Cannot open store for class "_DE_DeleteCraftingObjectScript", missing file?[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Unable to get type _DE_DeleteCraftingObjectScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] Cannot open store for class "QF__DE_TrackingQuest_010177D7", missing file?[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Unable to get type QF__DE_TrackingQuest_010177D7 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Unable to get type cluxHouseEnabler referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] Cannot open store for class "_DE_WerewolfMonitor2", missing file?[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Unable to get type _DE_WerewolfMonitor2 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] Cannot open store for class "huntersvisionmaintainancescript", missing file?[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Unable to get type huntersvisionmaintainancescript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] Cannot open store for class "cluxHrothgarEnabler", missing file?[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Unable to get type cluxHrothgarEnabler referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] Cannot open store for class "_DE_Visualize_Campsite_Trigger", missing file?[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Unable to get type _DE_Visualize_Campsite_Trigger referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] Cannot open store for class "_de_getcampinglegal", missing file?[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Unable to get type _de_getcampinglegal referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] Cannot open store for class "_DE_FoodDetect", missing file?[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Unable to get type _DE_FoodDetect referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] Cannot open store for class "cluxSolitudeEnabler", missing file?[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Unable to get type cluxSolitudeEnabler referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] Cannot open store for class "cluxRoadSignsEnabler", missing file?[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Unable to get type cluxRoadSignsEnabler referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] Cannot open store for class "_DE_Tent_InteractTriggerScript", missing file?[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Unable to get type _DE_Tent_InteractTriggerScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] Cannot open store for class "cluxWindhelmEnabler", missing file?[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Unable to get type cluxWindhelmEnabler referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] Cannot open store for class "_DE_Tent_StopSleepScript", missing file?[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Unable to get type _DE_Tent_StopSleepScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] Cannot open store for class "_de_shelterdetectquestscript", missing file?[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Unable to get type _de_shelterdetectquestscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] Cannot open store for class "_DE_Tent_StopWaitScript", missing file?[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Unable to get type _DE_Tent_StopWaitScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] Cannot open store for class "_de_compatibility", missing file?[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Unable to get type _de_compatibility referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] Cannot open store for class "HuntersVisionLoadScript", missing file?[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Unable to get type HuntersVisionLoadScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] Cannot open store for class "_DE_Tent_MISC_Script", missing file?[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Unable to get type _DE_Tent_MISC_Script referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] Cannot open store for class "_de_clothingmonitor_1_7", missing file?[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Unable to get type _de_clothingmonitor_1_7 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] Cannot open store for class "cluxBridgeEnabler", missing file?[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Unable to get type cluxBridgeEnabler referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] Cannot open store for class "cluxWhiterunEnabler", missing file?[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Unable to get type cluxWhiterunEnabler referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] Cannot open store for class "fnisquestscript", missing file?[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Unable to get type fnisquestscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] Cannot open store for class "cluxFortsEnabler", missing file?[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Unable to get type cluxFortsEnabler referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] Cannot open store for class "_DE_ShelterDetectSensorScript", missing file?[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Unable to get type _DE_ShelterDetectSensorScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] Cannot open store for class "_de_epmonitor_1_6", missing file?[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Unable to get type _de_epmonitor_1_6 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] Cannot open store for class "cluxPathEnabler", missing file?[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Unable to get type cluxPathEnabler referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] Cannot open store for class "huntersvisionimodscript", missing file?[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Unable to get type huntersvisionimodscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] Cannot open store for class "huntersvisionscript", missing file?[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Unable to get type huntersvisionscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] Cannot open store for class "cluxShrinesEnabler", missing file?[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Unable to get type cluxShrinesEnabler referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Could not find type huntersvisionmaintainancescript in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Could not find type huntersvisionscript in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Could not find type huntersvisionimodscript in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Could not find type HuntersVisionSkyUIConfigMenuScript in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Could not find type huntersvisionkeypressscript in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Could not find type cluxPathEnabler in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Could not find type cluxWindhelmEnabler in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Could not find type cluxRoadSignsEnabler in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Could not find type cluxHouseEnabler in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Could not find type cluxWhiterunEnabler in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Could not find type cluxWinterholdEnabler in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Could not find type cluxSolitudeEnabler in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Could not find type cluxBridgeEnabler in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Could not find type cluxShrinesEnabler in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Could not find type cluxHrothgarEnabler in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Could not find type _DE_Visualize_Campsite_Trigger in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Could not find type _DE_VendorStock in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Could not find type _de_shelterdetectquestscript in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Could not find type _DE_BackpackToggle in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Could not find type _de_epmonitor_1_6 in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Could not find type _DE_Tent_InteractTriggerScript in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Could not find type _DE_Tent_StopWaitScript in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Could not find type _DE_Tent_StopSleepScript in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Could not find type QF__DE_TrackingQuest_010177D7 in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Could not find type _DE_ShelterDetectSensorScript in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Could not find type cluxFortsEnabler in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Could not find type cluxRiftenEnabler in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Could not find type fnisquestscript in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Could not find type _DE_DeleteCraftingObjectScript in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Could not find type _de_clothingmonitor_1_7 in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Could not find type _DE_WerewolfMonitor2 in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Could not find type _de_getcampinglegal in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Could not find type _DE_Tent_MISC_Script in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Could not find type _DE_FoodDetect in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Could not find type HuntersVisionLoadScript in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] warning: Could not find type _de_compatibility in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:10AM] VM is thawing...[05/27/2013 - 11:33:12AM] Error: Unable to call GetParentCell - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.GetParentCell() - "<native>" Line ?[None].cluxLightChildKiller.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 97[None].cluxLightChildKiller.OnUnload() - "cluxLightChildKiller.psc" Line 16[05/27/2013 - 11:33:12AM] AKM.initGameLoaded loaded[05/27/2013 - 11:33:12AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[None].cluxLightChildKiller.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 102[None].cluxLightChildKiller.OnUnload() - "cluxLightChildKiller.psc" Line 16[05/27/2013 - 11:33:12AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:33:12AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:33:13AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:33:13AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:33:13AM] Error: File "mslVampiricThirst.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack:<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?[RaceCompatibilityInitQuest (05002859)].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 182[RaceCompatibilityInitQuest (05002859)].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[RaceCompatibilityInitQuest (05002859)].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[RaceCompatibilityInitQuest (05002859)].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[05/27/2013 - 11:33:13AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:33:13AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:33:13AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:33:13AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:33:13AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:33:13AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:33:23AM] VM is freezing...[05/27/2013 - 11:33:23AM] VM is frozen[05/27/2013 - 11:33:23AM] Reverting game...[05/27/2013 - 11:33:23AM] Error: Unable to bind script cluxHouseEnabler to (15006911) because their base types do not match[05/27/2013 - 11:33:23AM] Error: Unable to bind script cluxHouseEnabler to (15006915) because their base types do not match[05/27/2013 - 11:33:23AM] Error: Unable to bind script DLC2WaterScript to (0401AAD8) because their base types do not match[05/27/2013 - 11:33:23AM] Error: Unable to bind script cluxHouseEnabler to (15006909) because their base types do not match[05/27/2013 - 11:33:23AM] Error: Unable to bind script cluxHouseEnabler to (15006919) because their base types do not match[05/27/2013 - 11:33:23AM] Error: Unable to bind script cluxHouseEnabler to (15007ADE) because their base types do not match[05/27/2013 - 11:33:23AM] warning: Property AKM_HorseID on script AKM_PlayerScript attached to alias Player on quest AKM_Book_Quest (6300B2CE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:33:23AM] warning: Property mq7bardscene3 on script mq7partybardscript attached to (4B1B8EE1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:33:23AM] Error: Property HirelingRehireScript on script follower3dnpc attached to DialogueFollower3DNPC (4B13184C) cannot be bound because DialogueFollower3DNPC (4B13184C) is not the right type[05/27/2013 - 11:33:23AM] warning: Property CWSiegeObj on script WZONESCWStatusScript attached to (0900BCC2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:33:23AM] warning: Property marker on script AQLeverActivator attached to alias Lever on quest AldiQuest (4B18BAC1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:33:23AM] Error: Property Prisoner01 on script defaultPrisonerDoorSCRIPT attached to (4B1736BD) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (4B17366D) is not the right type[05/27/2013 - 11:33:23AM] Error: Property Prisoner02 on script defaultPrisonerDoorSCRIPT attached to (4B1736BD) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (4B17366E) is not the right type[05/27/2013 - 11:33:23AM] warning: Property HircinesRingPower on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:33:23AM] warning: Property pTG05KarliahInvisibilitySpell on script QF_TG05_00021551 attached to TG05 (00021551) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:33:23AM] warning: Property TG05KarliahInvisibilitySpell on script tg06questscript attached to TG06 (00021552) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:33:23AM] warning: Property m2sceneFg on script mq2_3dnpc45 attached to (4B1A0098) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:33:23AM] warning: Property MarkerB on script KjoliWeddingScript attached to (4B1637A4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:33:23AM] warning: Property MarkerA on script KjoliWeddingScript attached to (4B1637A4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:33:23AM] warning: Property AKM_HorseID on script AKM_Book_Quest attached to AKM_Book_Quest (6300B2CE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:33:24AM] Error: Unable to bind script cluxHouseEnabler to (15006909) because their base types do not match[05/27/2013 - 11:33:24AM] Error: Unable to bind script cluxHouseEnabler to (15006911) because their base types do not match[05/27/2013 - 11:33:24AM] Error: Unable to bind script cluxHouseEnabler to (15006915) because their base types do not match[05/27/2013 - 11:33:24AM] Error: Unable to bind script cluxHouseEnabler to (15006919) because their base types do not match[05/27/2013 - 11:33:24AM] Error: Unable to bind script cluxHouseEnabler to (15007ADE) because their base types do not match[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] Loading game...[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Unable to get type _DE_BackpackToggle referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Unable to get type cluxRiftenEnabler referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Unable to get type HuntersVisionSkyUIConfigMenuScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Unable to get type _DE_VendorStock referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Unable to get type cluxWinterholdEnabler referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Unable to get type huntersvisionkeypressscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Unable to get type _DE_DeleteCraftingObjectScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Unable to get type QF__DE_TrackingQuest_010177D7 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Unable to get type cluxHouseEnabler referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Unable to get type _DE_WerewolfMonitor2 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Unable to get type huntersvisionmaintainancescript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Unable to get type cluxHrothgarEnabler referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Unable to get type _DE_Visualize_Campsite_Trigger referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Unable to get type _de_getcampinglegal referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Unable to get type _DE_FoodDetect referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Unable to get type cluxSolitudeEnabler referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Unable to get type cluxRoadSignsEnabler referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Unable to get type _DE_Tent_InteractTriggerScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Unable to get type cluxWindhelmEnabler referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Unable to get type _DE_Tent_StopSleepScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Unable to get type _de_shelterdetectquestscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Unable to get type _de_compatibility referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Unable to get type HuntersVisionLoadScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Unable to get type _DE_Tent_MISC_Script referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Unable to get type _de_clothingmonitor_1_7 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Unable to get type cluxBridgeEnabler referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Unable to get type cluxWhiterunEnabler referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Unable to get type cluxPathEnabler referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Unable to get type _de_epmonitor_1_6 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Unable to get type fnisquestscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Unable to get type cluxFortsEnabler referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Unable to get type _DE_ShelterDetectSensorScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Unable to get type _DE_Tent_StopWaitScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Unable to get type huntersvisionimodscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Unable to get type huntersvisionscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Unable to get type cluxShrinesEnabler referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Could not find type huntersvisionmaintainancescript in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Could not find type huntersvisionscript in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Could not find type huntersvisionimodscript in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Could not find type HuntersVisionSkyUIConfigMenuScript in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Could not find type huntersvisionkeypressscript in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Could not find type cluxPathEnabler in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Could not find type cluxWindhelmEnabler in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Could not find type cluxRoadSignsEnabler in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Could not find type cluxHouseEnabler in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Could not find type cluxWhiterunEnabler in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Could not find type cluxWinterholdEnabler in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Could not find type cluxSolitudeEnabler in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Could not find type cluxBridgeEnabler in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Could not find type cluxShrinesEnabler in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Could not find type cluxHrothgarEnabler in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Could not find type _DE_Visualize_Campsite_Trigger in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Could not find type _DE_VendorStock in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Could not find type _de_shelterdetectquestscript in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Could not find type _DE_BackpackToggle in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Could not find type _de_epmonitor_1_6 in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Could not find type _DE_Tent_InteractTriggerScript in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Could not find type _DE_Tent_StopWaitScript in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Could not find type _DE_Tent_StopSleepScript in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Could not find type QF__DE_TrackingQuest_010177D7 in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Could not find type _DE_ShelterDetectSensorScript in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Could not find type cluxFortsEnabler in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Could not find type cluxRiftenEnabler in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Could not find type fnisquestscript in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Could not find type _DE_DeleteCraftingObjectScript in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Could not find type _de_clothingmonitor_1_7 in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Could not find type _DE_WerewolfMonitor2 in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Could not find type _de_getcampinglegal in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Could not find type _DE_Tent_MISC_Script in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Could not find type _DE_FoodDetect in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Could not find type HuntersVisionLoadScript in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] warning: Could not find type _de_compatibility in the type table in save[05/27/2013 - 11:33:33AM] VM is thawing...[05/27/2013 - 11:33:35AM] Error: Unable to call GetParentCell - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.GetParentCell() - "<native>" Line ?[None].cluxLightChildKiller.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 97[None].cluxLightChildKiller.OnUnload() - "cluxLightChildKiller.psc" Line 16[05/27/2013 - 11:33:35AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[None].cluxLightChildKiller.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 102[None].cluxLightChildKiller.OnUnload() - "cluxLightChildKiller.psc" Line 16[05/27/2013 - 11:33:35AM] AKM.initGameLoaded loaded[05/27/2013 - 11:33:35AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:33:35AM] Error: Unable to call GetParentCell - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.GetParentCell() - "<native>" Line ?[None].cluxLightChildKiller.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 97[None].cluxLightChildKiller.OnUnload() - "cluxLightChildKiller.psc" Line 16[05/27/2013 - 11:33:35AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[None].cluxLightChildKiller.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 102[None].cluxLightChildKiller.OnUnload() - "cluxLightChildKiller.psc" Line 16[05/27/2013 - 11:33:35AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:33:35AM] Error: Unable to call GetParentCell - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.GetParentCell() - "<native>" Line ?[None].cluxLightChildKiller.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 97[None].cluxLightChildKiller.OnUnload() - "cluxLightChildKiller.psc" Line 16[05/27/2013 - 11:33:35AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[None].cluxLightChildKiller.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 102[None].cluxLightChildKiller.OnUnload() - "cluxLightChildKiller.psc" Line 16[05/27/2013 - 11:33:35AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:33:35AM] Error: File "mslVampiricThirst.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack:<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?[RaceCompatibilityInitQuest (05002859)].YARC_InitQuestScript.onBeginState() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 182[RaceCompatibilityInitQuest (05002859)].YARC_InitQuestScript.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[RaceCompatibilityInitQuest (05002859)].YARC_InitQuestScript.initialize() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 131[RaceCompatibilityInitQuest (05002859)].YARC_InitQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "YARC_InitQuestScript.psc" Line 23[05/27/2013 - 11:33:35AM] Error: Unable to call GetParentCell - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.GetParentCell() - "<native>" Line ?[None].cluxLightChildKiller.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 97[None].cluxLightChildKiller.OnUnload() - "cluxLightChildKiller.psc" Line 16[05/27/2013 - 11:33:35AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[None].cluxLightChildKiller.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 102[None].cluxLightChildKiller.OnUnload() - "cluxLightChildKiller.psc" Line 16[05/27/2013 - 11:33:35AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:33:35AM] Error: Unable to call GetParentCell - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.GetParentCell() - "<native>" Line ?[None].cluxLightChildKiller.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 97[None].cluxLightChildKiller.OnUnload() - "cluxLightChildKiller.psc" Line 16[05/27/2013 - 11:33:36AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[None].cluxLightChildKiller.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 102[None].cluxLightChildKiller.OnUnload() - "cluxLightChildKiller.psc" Line 16[05/27/2013 - 11:33:36AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:33:36AM] Error: Unable to call GetParentCell - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.GetParentCell() - "<native>" Line ?[None].cluxLightChildKiller.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 97[None].cluxLightChildKiller.OnUnload() - "cluxLightChildKiller.psc" Line 16[05/27/2013 - 11:33:36AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[None].cluxLightChildKiller.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 102[None].cluxLightChildKiller.OnUnload() - "cluxLightChildKiller.psc" Line 16[05/27/2013 - 11:33:36AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:33:36AM] Error: Unable to call GetParentCell - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.GetParentCell() - "<native>" Line ?[None].cluxLightChildKiller.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 97[None].cluxLightChildKiller.OnUnload() - "cluxLightChildKiller.psc" Line 16[05/27/2013 - 11:33:36AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[None].cluxLightChildKiller.DeleteWhenAble() - "ObjectReference.psc" Line 102[None].cluxLightChildKiller.OnUnload() - "cluxLightChildKiller.psc" Line 16[05/27/2013 - 11:33:36AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:34:09AM] Info: *Achievement 43 awarded - a winnar is you!*[05/27/2013 - 11:34:09AM] Info: *Achievement 44 awarded - a winnar is you!*[05/27/2013 - 11:34:39AM] warning: Property ShadowFX on script aaaUCDraugrScript attached to Active effect 4 on (FF002588) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:34:39AM] warning: Property FXMagicDraugrDarkeningEffect on script aaaUCDraugrScript attached to Active effect 4 on (FF002588) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:35:49AM] Info: *Achievement 43 awarded - a winnar is you!*[05/27/2013 - 11:35:49AM] Info: *Achievement 44 awarded - a winnar is you!*[05/27/2013 - 11:35:50AM] Info: *Achievement 43 awarded - a winnar is you!*[05/27/2013 - 11:35:50AM] Info: *Achievement 44 awarded - a winnar is you!*[05/27/2013 - 11:35:53AM] AKM.initGameLoaded loaded[05/27/2013 - 11:38:10AM] AKM.initGameLoaded loaded[05/27/2013 - 11:38:13AM] Info: *Achievement 43 awarded - a winnar is you!*[05/27/2013 - 11:38:13AM] Info: *Achievement 44 awarded - a winnar is you!*[05/27/2013 - 11:38:15AM] Info: *Achievement 43 awarded - a winnar is you!*[05/27/2013 - 11:38:15AM] Info: *Achievement 44 awarded - a winnar is you!*[05/27/2013 - 11:38:17AM] Info: *Achievement 43 awarded - a winnar is you!*[05/27/2013 - 11:38:17AM] Info: *Achievement 44 awarded - a winnar is you!*[05/27/2013 - 11:40:18AM] AKM.initGameLoaded loaded[05/27/2013 - 11:40:50AM] Error: (FF002588): Failed to send event HeadBleed03 for unspecified reasons.stack:[ (FF002588)].MGRitual05DragonScript.PlaySubGraphAnimation() - "<native>" Line ?[Active effect 1 on (FF002588)].FXDragonBloodDamageScript.OnHit() - "FXDragonBloodDamageScript.psc" Line 343[05/27/2013 - 11:40:50AM] Error: (FF002588): Failed to send event HeadBleed04 for unspecified reasons.stack:[ (FF002588)].MGRitual05DragonScript.PlaySubGraphAnimation() - "<native>" Line ?[Active effect 1 on (FF002588)].FXDragonBloodDamageScript.OnHit() - "FXDragonBloodDamageScript.psc" Line 343[05/27/2013 - 11:40:53AM] Error: (FF002588): Failed to send event WingLBleed03 for unspecified reasons.stack:[ (FF002588)].MGRitual05DragonScript.PlaySubGraphAnimation() - "<native>" Line ?[Active effect 1 on (FF002588)].FXDragonBloodDamageScript.OnHit() - "FXDragonBloodDamageScript.psc" Line 346[05/27/2013 - 11:41:01AM] Error: Cannot call HasKeyword() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[WI (00035D64)].wifunctionsscript.RegisterDragonAttack() - "WIFunctionsScript.psc" Line 480[ (FF002588)].dragonactorscript.OnLocationChange() - "dragonActorSCRIPT.psc" Line 117[05/27/2013 - 11:41:01AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp33"stack:[WI (00035D64)].wifunctionsscript.RegisterDragonAttack() - "WIFunctionsScript.psc" Line 480[ (FF002588)].dragonactorscript.OnLocationChange() - "dragonActorSCRIPT.psc" Line 117[05/27/2013 - 11:41:05AM] Error: (FF002588): Failed to send event WingLBleed04 for unspecified reasons.stack:[ (FF002588)].MGRitual05DragonScript.PlaySubGraphAnimation() - "<native>" Line ?[Active effect 1 on (FF002588)].FXDragonBloodDamageScript.OnHit() - "FXDragonBloodDamageScript.psc" Line 346[05/27/2013 - 11:41:09AM] WZMSG : Player activated GOD OF WARZONES (HelperScript)[05/27/2013 - 11:41:12AM] WZMSG : GOW is REGISTERED FOR UPDATE[05/27/2013 - 11:41:12AM] WZMSG : GOW was cast by player.[05/27/2013 - 11:41:44AM] Error: (FF002588): Failed to send event WingRBleed04 for unspecified reasons.stack:[ (FF002588)].MGRitual05DragonScript.PlaySubGraphAnimation() - "<native>" Line ?[Active effect 1 on (FF002588)].FXDragonBloodDamageScript.OnHit() - "FXDragonBloodDamageScript.psc" Line 346[05/27/2013 - 11:41:54AM] VM is freezing...[05/27/2013 - 11:41:54AM] VM is frozen[05/27/2013 - 11:41:54AM] Saving game...[05/27/2013 - 11:41:55AM] VM is thawing...[05/27/2013 - 11:42:16AM] Info: *Achievement 43 awarded - a winnar is you!*[05/27/2013 - 11:42:16AM] Info: *Achievement 44 awarded - a winnar is you!*[05/27/2013 - 11:42:19AM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (2800BDD7) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:42:22AM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (0006CCB7) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:42:37AM] Error: Cannot call HasKeyword() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[alias Player on quest DLC2Pillar (0401C4E4)].dlc2pillarplayerscript.CheckLocationAndRegisterForUpdate() - "DLC2PillarPlayerScript.psc" Line 30[alias Player on quest DLC2Pillar (0401C4E4)].dlc2pillarplayerscript.OnLocationChange() - "DLC2PillarPlayerScript.psc" Line 21[05/27/2013 - 11:42:37AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp1"stack:[alias Player on quest DLC2Pillar (0401C4E4)].dlc2pillarplayerscript.CheckLocationAndRegisterForUpdate() - "DLC2PillarPlayerScript.psc" Line 30[alias Player on quest DLC2Pillar (0401C4E4)].dlc2pillarplayerscript.OnLocationChange() - "DLC2PillarPlayerScript.psc" Line 21[05/27/2013 - 11:42:45AM] CLUXMSG : Bridge Light enabled[05/27/2013 - 11:42:45AM] CLUXMSG : Road Light Enabled[05/27/2013 - 11:42:45AM] WZMSG : DISABLED by CIVIL WAR being overwith [GlobalVariable <WZonesSelectDragonBridge (090129C9)>][05/27/2013 - 11:42:45AM] CLUXMSG : Bridge Light enabled[05/27/2013 - 11:42:45AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF00267A)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 300[ (FF00267A)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:42:45AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:42:45AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF00267A)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 303[ (FF00267A)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:42:45AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:42:46AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:42:46AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:42:46AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:42:47AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:42:47AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:42:47AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:42:47AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:42:47AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:42:47AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:42:47AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:42:47AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:42:47AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:42:47AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:42:47AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:42:47AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:42:47AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:42:47AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:42:47AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:42:47AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:42:47AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:42:47AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:42:47AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:42:48AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:42:48AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:42:48AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:42:48AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:42:48AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:42:48AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:42:48AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:42:48AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:42:48AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:42:48AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:42:48AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:42:48AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:42:49AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:42:50AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:42:50AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:42:50AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:42:50AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:42:50AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:42:50AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:42:50AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:42:50AM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (0006CE9F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:42:50AM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (3000884C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:42:50AM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (2800BDD8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:42:53AM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (000866E3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:42:57AM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (000866E4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:43:00AM] CLUXMSG : Road Light Enabled[05/27/2013 - 11:43:17AM] CLUXMSG : Road Light Enabled[05/27/2013 - 11:43:17AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF002672)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 300[ (FF002672)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:17AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].ObjectReference.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF00266B)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 300[ (FF00266B)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:17AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF002658)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 300[ (FF002658)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:17AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF00268F)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 300[ (FF00268F)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:17AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF00268D)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 300[ (FF00268D)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:17AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF00268B)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 300[ (FF00268B)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:17AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF002688)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 300[ (FF002688)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:17AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF002685)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 300[ (FF002685)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:17AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF002682)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 300[ (FF002682)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:17AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF002681)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 300[ (FF002681)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:17AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF002684)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 300[ (FF002684)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:17AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF002672)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 303[ (FF002672)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:17AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF00266B)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 303[ (FF00266B)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:17AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF002658)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 303[ (FF002658)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:17AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF00268F)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 303[ (FF00268F)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:17AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF00268D)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 303[ (FF00268D)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:17AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF00268B)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 303[ (FF00268B)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:17AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF002688)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 303[ (FF002688)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:17AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF002685)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 303[ (FF002685)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:17AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF002682)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 303[ (FF002682)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:17AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF002681)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 303[ (FF002681)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:17AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF002684)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 303[ (FF002684)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:17AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF002680)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 300[ (FF002680)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:17AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF00267D)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 300[ (FF00267D)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:17AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF00267B)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 300[ (FF00267B)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:17AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF002679)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 300[ (FF002679)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:17AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF002676)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 300[ (FF002676)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:17AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF002674)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 300[ (FF002674)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:17AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].ObjectReference.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF00266F)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 300[ (FF00266F)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:17AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].ObjectReference.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF002669)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 300[ (FF002669)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:17AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF002668)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 300[ (FF002668)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:17AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF002662)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 300[ (FF002662)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:17AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF002661)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 300[ (FF002661)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:17AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF002687)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 300[ (FF002687)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:17AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].ObjectReference.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF00266E)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 300[ (FF00266E)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:17AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF002680)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 303[ (FF002680)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:17AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF00267D)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 303[ (FF00267D)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:17AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF00267B)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 303[ (FF00267B)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:17AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF002679)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 303[ (FF002679)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:17AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF002676)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 303[ (FF002676)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:17AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF002674)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 303[ (FF002674)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:17AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF00266F)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 303[ (FF00266F)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:17AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF002669)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 303[ (FF002669)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:17AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF002668)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 303[ (FF002668)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:17AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF002662)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 303[ (FF002662)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:17AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF002661)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 303[ (FF002661)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:17AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF00266E)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 303[ (FF00266E)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:17AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF002687)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 303[ (FF002687)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:18AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:43:18AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:43:18AM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (0010833A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:43:18AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:43:18AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:43:19AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:43:19AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:43:19AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:43:19AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:43:19AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:43:20AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:43:20AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:43:20AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:43:20AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:43:20AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:43:20AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:43:20AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:43:20AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:43:20AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:43:20AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:43:21AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:43:21AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:43:21AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:43:21AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:43:21AM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (0007A90E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:43:21AM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (0007A912) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:43:21AM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (0010833B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:43:21AM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (6000F642) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:43:21AM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (6000F641) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:43:21AM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (001083B8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:43:21AM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (2800BDE8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:43:21AM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (2800BDE7) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:43:21AM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (2800BDE6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:43:22AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:43:31AM] CLUXMSG : Road Light Enabled[05/27/2013 - 11:43:31AM] WZMSG : PLAYER has ENTERED a RANDOM ENCOUNTER Area... roll 'dem bones[05/27/2013 - 11:43:31AM] WZMSG : RandomEnc : RandomDICEroll = 43[05/27/2013 - 11:43:31AM] WZMSG : RandomEnc : EncounterOdds-Generated by Script = 10[05/27/2013 - 11:43:31AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF00268A)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 300[ (FF00268A)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:31AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF002686)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 300[ (FF002686)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:31AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF00267E)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 300[ (FF00267E)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:31AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF002666)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 300[ (FF002666)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:31AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF00267F)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 300[ (FF00267F)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:31AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF002667)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 300[ (FF002667)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:31AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF00265F)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 300[ (FF00265F)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:31AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF00268A)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 303[ (FF00268A)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:31AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF002686)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 303[ (FF002686)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:31AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF00267E)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 303[ (FF00267E)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:31AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF002666)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 303[ (FF002666)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:31AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF00267F)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 303[ (FF00267F)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:31AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF002667)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 303[ (FF002667)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:31AM] Error: Unable to call Delete - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None].cluxLightChildKiller.Delete() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF00265F)].critterdragonfly.disableAndDelete() - "Critter.psc" Line 303[ (FF00265F)].critterdragonfly.OnCellDetach() - "CritterDragonFly.psc" Line 222[05/27/2013 - 11:43:33AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:43:34AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:43:34AM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (0007A910) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:43:34AM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (0007A90F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:43:34AM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (6000F640) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:43:34AM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (0010834B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:43:34AM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (0010834C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:43:34AM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (2800BDE9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:43:34AM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (2800BDE5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[05/27/2013 - 11:43:34AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:43:34AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:43:35AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:43:35AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:43:35AM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 11:43:49AM] CLUXMSG : Houses Light enabled[05/27/2013 - 11:43:49AM] warning: Property ActorTypeDwarven on script nAddonStatsScript attached to Active effect 1 on (0010833E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property Edited May 27, 2013 by malwilson Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
malwilson Posted May 27, 2013 Author Share Posted May 27, 2013 (edited) i think this might help if i disable the dragon more monster addon thingamajig ill keep you posted Edit ok so that got rid of that error but im still geting Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 02:37:52PM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 02:37:52PM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 02:37:52PM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 02:37:52PM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 02:37:53PM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 02:37:53PM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload[05/27/2013 - 02:37:54PM] CLUXMSG : Kill the Lights! onUnload spam which is probably whats crashing me i uninstalled clarlux because of a lighting error then i finally reinstalled it again because of this error in my logs and i seem to still be getting the log spam. Edited May 27, 2013 by malwilson Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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