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Tweaks in Global: Costs in game


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I'm trying to do some tweaks in TES5Edit. I'm trying to do the following:

  • Increase the costs for carriages: 20 -> 100, 50 -> 250
  • Increase the cost of renting a room in an inn: 10 -> 150
  • Increase the cost of Water (RND Mod): 3 -> 10, 10 -> 100

I have changed the values of following records:

  • 00050765 CarriageCost
  • 0009CC98 RoomCost
  • 00107702 CarriageSmallCost
  • xx039D4B RND_InnWaterCost
  • xx039D4F RND_InnWaterCostAll




After I that I named the esp: zMy Service Costs Edits.esp and included it into the Bashed Patch.


But in game, it doesn't seem to work. For instance, when I try to rent a room, it's still 10 gold.

I tried rebuilding the esp, rebuilding the Bashed Patch, loading it outside the Bashed Patch, resetting the cells, loading different save files. But still, it doesn't seem to work.


Am I doing anything wrong or forgetting something?


Thanks in advance


Kind regards


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