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Far Cry

Ziggys mod?


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I want to give the game another go on master, but I would like to mod the game a bit. I was looking at the overhaul mods that are available. They all seem very nice but some of them change certain things that I like. Not sure if i'm better off adding a bunch of separate mods or just biting the bullet and dealing with somethings that I don't like. I was liking ziggys except for the minimap and regular map. I dont like how the mini map doesn't show anything and i don't like how the map changes all the animal locations to paws. I like how all the gun stuff is done, enemies, and extra stuff needed for crafting. Anyone have some suggestions they can throw my way for something that might help with my issue?

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Try other mods that include a mini=map. Either that, or download the gibbed tools and learn how to unpack, merge, and pack. For the mini-map, the files use fairly obvious names and are located in the ui and world folders. The world map files are nearby.


Me - I prefer the lack of hint icons and actually merged that stuff from Ziggys into another mod compilation.

Edited by leno2013
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Well im going to play around with the top endorsed mods which are ziggys, swarts, 30 days, Poor Basturd, and Far Cry 3 Rebalance. I watched a video on Immersive sound and I really like what it does. So that might be a reason to pick one over the other. I see its compatible with ziggys, need to find out if its compatible with other mods or is it one of them if i install that last thats what the game uses? I do like the mini map from 30days if i could get something like that i think i would be happy with everything.


This gibbed tools for unpacking, merging, and repacking, is it hard to learn? Does one need to know how to make the mods in order to do this?

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I like Ziggys, but then I'm a fan of getting rid of the UI once you know the basics. I do like having the mission regions highlighted on the mini-map, though. The mission borders are an unfortunate aspect of the game that already breaks immersion, so the mini-map highlights can't break it anymore and help to avoid some of the frustration.


I like Rebalanced too. I don't want to get rid of wall-hack 100%. I am OK with the magic syringes, and Rebalanced with the correct Immersive Sounds is the only mod I've found that gets rid of wall-hack except when using a syringe. My big problem with Rebal is the AI perception - it is too brutal for my skill level. 30-days and Poor Basturd also claim to improve the AI's perception, so I skipped over those.


I forget why I don't play Swartz. However, as far as I know, the 1.3 version still works, so you can use that version (with Neverland v2) or 1.4 without.


Are gibbed tools easy? I dunno. I think 7-zip, Notepad++, knowing where a game executable or configuration file might be located on your computer, and so on should be basic skills and tools one should be comfortable with before tweaking their computer and games. If someone has to ask how to open a .cfg file or what Notepad++ is, they should stick with downloading DLC until they learn those basics.


Thus if you possess the basic skills, merging patches can be as simple as extracting, copying files from one set of folders to another, and re-packing. Figuring out what files are needed can be the tricky part. Testing can also be tricky and time-consuming, especially since some changes might require a new game.


Exchanging one mini-map for another falls into the swap files and repack simplicity. Editing individual XML files and LUA scripts are, of course, much more complex - but that again depends on what you are trying to do and how much of an explanation you can find on the Internet.

Edited by leno2013
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  • 1 month later...

I just want to thank Ziggy for his great mod compilation! I've played each of the top mods through, and found that:


1). I can find enough leaves without them being displayed on a mini-map:

2). It is very satisfying to experience the very real kick of the AK-47, and the much-improved realism of all the other modded guns:

3). I like that a Tiger and a Bear can be taken down - at close range - with one or two shotgun shots to the head:

4). I found I don't need the mini-map roads, and I like the see-through effect:

5). I like the extra aggression of the AI, and the increased range and impact of their "replies" to my "messages":


What I also found is that I don't miss all the annoying pop-up, "gamey" messages and reminders, and when the Immersive Sounds are added - the whole experience becomes a very "real" experience: one spends one or two hours to take down an outpost, instead of ten minutes: the impression of danger, when walking through a hostile jungle is very much "in your face".


My wish list? The jungle sounds need the background noise of the cicada: this is ever-present in the real world tropical bush, along with bird noises, and when something happens - loud noise - silence........ for a minute or more, then it slowly comes back.


My only whine? - I get very tired of hearing the locals whenever a post is taken - e.g. "Your work is only just begun"; "It's all me", etc.. --->> Shut the H*** up, and get out of my face!


A great big "Thank You" (from a retired old fart) to Ziggy and Immersive Sounds!


Now I'm off for a stroll on a pacific island beach...


All the Best,



Edited by pj3
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