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Can someone troubleshoot this for me please?


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This weird graphical glitch I encountered in my Steam install of Skyrim. Links because they are too big and I'm lazy, sorry.







On a side note, why do all the Skyrim based forums look pretty much identical, and which is most likely the best to use?

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First, if you want kelp, be sure to use the link button on the editor. Nobody wants to go through the trouble of replacing (dot) with (.)


I however, did out of stupidity or boredom, and looked at your screenshots. You have a texture problem that is due to a conflict in mods. If you are using a snow replacer and SIMM make sure the load order is correct.


And always remember, we who try to help are lazy as well. Very few will look at your post and help in any way unless, you make it easy for us.

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First, if you want kelp, be sure to use the link button on the editor. Nobody wants to go through the trouble of replacing (dot) with (.)


I however, did out of stupidity or boredom, and looked at your screenshots. You have a texture problem that is due to a conflict in mods. If you are using a snow replacer and SIMM make sure the load order is correct.


And always remember, we who try to help are lazy as well. Very few will look at your post and help in any way unless, you make it easy for us.

Haha, I'm sorry about that, I wasn't sure what to do, I rarely go on forums, if I do it's to get solutions for these things. I have no mods on it, however I did tweak the ini for better shadow resolution, could that be it? If I can, can I automatically reset the ini to default values or something? Tweaking the ini for better shadow res is the only thing I've done to the game, otherwise it's a fresh install.

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