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Orange Rain, White Mountains, and a Blue Map


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So I had installed an ENB but it was too hefty for my PC to run very long and it actually caused my whole computer to crash, so I removed it using the ENB + ReShade Manager. I had no problems from there, or so I thought. See, I had removed it while in a dungeon and after exiting the dungeon I noticed some substantial oddities.





It's raining constantly outside and the rain appears to be like an orange tint. If I open the map and exit some of the rain streaks will be frozen and stuck, following my character if I move. The mountains in the back (and some trees) are this terrible gray/white mess regardless of the time of day. And the map will instantly turn blue when opened and I can even see the rain still falling while in the map screen.


I'd post my modlist but it's 200+ so instead here's the mods that could have relevance:


  • Enhanced Lights and FX
  • Quality World Map - Paper
  • Darker Interior Ambient Fog
  • Skyrim Souls RE - Updated
  • Dark Forests of Skyrim SE
  • ENB Helper SE


  • Supreme Fog for Vivid
  • Vivid Weathers - Definitive Edition
  • Simply Darker Nights
  • Revamped Exterior Fog
  • ENB Light
  • Obsidian Mountain Fogs
  • Supreme Fog for Obsidian Weathers
  • Obsidian Weathers + Vigilant Patch
  • Enhanced Lighting for ENB
  • Darkened Dungeons
  • Supreme Fog for Default
  • Sounds of Skyrim Complete SE
  • Texture Overhaul Sky Collection Moons of Nirn


And if it matters I had used the Ominous ENB and the Cinematic ENB, the former I didn't like and the latter caused the crash. Gonna keep trying for a fix. I tried a save cleaner but that did no good.

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