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How do you install mods manally plz help


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1. Downloading Manually: http://s1.zetaboards.com/bbenlibrary/topic/4871596/1/?x=0#post672495


2. Installing Manually using NMM: http://s1.zetaboards.com/bbenlibrary/topic/4886932/1/


3. Installing manually without using a mod manager

first read the documentation for that mod for any special install instructions

download into a folder - preferably one you created just for this

extract the mod into that same folder using an unzipping program such as 7-zip

copy the various parts of the mod into your game data folder. MOST of the time you can just copy the unzipped mod directly into the data folder IF the mod author set up the data structure properly. Otherwise you may have to copy the esp into the data folder, the Textures into the Data\textures folder and the meshes into the Data\meshes folder.

Be sure to keep track of every file and where you copied it in case you have to go back and remove it again


That's the way we used to have to install all mods before mod managers

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