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Live Dismemberment!


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in my warped little mind, it would be cool to allow dismemberment effects before the point of death.

to be able to shoot off someones leg and then they crawl toward you, maimed but not out of the fight.

it seems to be a waste for everyone to work so hard on dismemberment when it does not trigger until they are dead.

i mean shooting the arms and legs off of corpses is fun and all, but that level of realism would be awesome.

shoot the legs off of supermutants and watch them try to crawl away?


please reply with your thoughts.

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You know, i think i would be ok with uglies waving their bloody stumps at me and howling..

hmm shooting all the arms off of everyone in a town? lol


and if there was some way to affect crippling as shortened limbs for legs? like make the leg separate, and tell the game that the crippled leg was now only the length of the visible stump? idk just tossing out ideas.


can anyone confirm or deny the feasibility of this option?

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I put this idea up about a week ago but I got barely any replies, so either no one is interested or it just got buried under other threads. If someone put a bit of work into this it would make for much better combat in my opinion. Any takers?
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  • 1 month later...

It is possible to create live dismemberment using an OnDeath block in a script, but it suffers from several issues that make it fairly useless from an immersion point of view.


This isnt a complete guide on how to do it, merely a rundown:


Create an OnDeath block in the script of the actor you wish to have dismembered.

Use the command "ResurrectActor 1" inside that block, if the block has nothing else, whenever the actor dies it will be resurrected.

the 1 after ResurrectActor is ESSENTIAL, otherwise the creature will effectively respawn, rather than re-animate which looks silly and wont keep dismemberment.


Either script a surefire way to dismember the creature, use a console command to do it, or just plug away at the thing ingame.

"KillActor player 1" will kill the creature, and explode its head. The first parameter "player" sets the creature as having been killed by the player (for xp awards etc), the number assigns which body part explode (a list of the numer for each body part can be found here: http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/KillActor)


There are several problems with this method, and to my knowledge there is no other way to dismember living things, the problems can be found here:


(I don't see much point copy-pasting them, and the official source states them better than I could write)


And that is how you can create live dismemberment and why it isnt as cool as we all wish it was.

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The obvious problem here is the lack of animations.


However, could this be fixed (to an extent) by making a limb invisible? So let's say you just blew the leg off a super mutant. It could look like it flies off, but the ripped off leg is just a prop that automatically spawns in the same space as the real leg. The real leg could still be there, but invisible. So the super mutant could still walk (let's make walk slower) but since he only has one leg, it could look like he was hopping around. I guess the baddie couldn't be allowed to survive 2 amputated legs, because then he would appear to float in midair!


As for arms, the effect would differ depending on what arm is blown off and the type of gun. If the right arm is blown off, the baddie drops his weapon, and isn't allowed to pick it up again. If the left arm is torn off, then he will only drop a weapon that requires a second hand, such as the rifle or sledgehammer.


Obviously headshots would kill someone, but maybe ghouls are still allowed to run around and fight (with 0 perception). If someone were to implement this, it should only work for non-main characters. It would be sort of wierd to blow off Moira's kneecap, wait 3 days, and then walk into her store and buy some ammo from her. And what if the PC could get his right arm blown off? He would have one hell of a time beating the game...

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