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Live Dismemberment!


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in my warped little mind, it would be cool to allow dismemberment effects before the point of death.

to be able to shoot off someones leg and then they crawl toward you, maimed but not out of the fight.

it seems to be a waste for everyone to work so hard on dismemberment when it does not trigger until they are dead.

i mean shooting the arms and legs off of corpses is fun and all, but that level of realism would be awesome.

shoot the legs off of supermutants and watch them try to crawl away?


please reply with your thoughts.


I was just thinking of this earlier that day. yeah if some modder is reading this. Do it, do it, do it.

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A while ago I did some serious experimentation with the idea of "living dismemberment", and I've come to the conclusion that it can't be done (or at least not done well) by "hi-jacking" the dismemberment system already present in Fallout 3 - a system similar to the one used in the Oblivion Mod, "Deadly Reflex", would have to be used instead, and it would probably require new FOSE functions enabling manipulation of BodyPartData so that it doesn't break VATS.


The bugs that occur when trying to accomplish this via the vanilla dismemberment system have been briefly documented on the GECK Wiki - ResurrectActor



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