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Female Frost Atronach


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Many years ago a friend of mine, who regrettably is not part of the mod community anymore, made a mod that offered female frost atronachs for TES:Oblivion. I have searched high and low for almost a week on what mod forums I do know of and can't seem to find anyone who has created a similar mod for Skyrim. I am aware of the Snow Atronach and Alternative Atronach mods and while the texture change from the later is amazing, it does mentioned that the spells from the creature have changed, whereas the first one adds a whole new atronach, both of which are not what I am looking for. Maybe I'm just bad at finding things, if not though, would anyone be willing to take the request?


p.s. I do not have photos of my friends mod, as the hardrive it was on literally blew up after overheating. Still trying to contact my freind though.

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  • 1 year later...

Well I don't have a link but I found what I believe is exactly what your attempting to locate in pictures: I found it in 3 different backgrounds and all of them depict skyrim, so its obvious SOMEONE has made a mod of this for skyrim, who it is I'm still looking to find out, and thus far that info itself has eluded me.http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/skydb-mod/imgs/1/4/145c0e39.jpg


Sorry if the image is huge, I don't quite know how to do the spoiler tag thing to make it condensed unless clicked on...

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