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Skyrim Modding Recap - An Excel List


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Hey guys

well, I am modding my Skyrim now for nearly 3 months and since I like to save all informations regarding the modifications I'm using (100+ and more to come), I put from the start everything into an excel list and I'm working nearly everyday on it, so that everything is updated, neat and complete. So, these are a few glimps on how that looks like:

http://abload.de/thumb/example18yr1c.jpg http://abload.de/thumb/example20oqwq.jpg

I add notes to many mods, like where to find armor xy, if they are craftable or not, what third party software / mods is/are required, which version I have installed, who the mod authors are, what the date of the last version release / update is, and of course, the links to the mods. I have furthermore a couple of different tabs (see bottom of the picture) which include other interesting and informative things, like a list of Mod Reviewers with the corresponding links to their playlists of Skyrim Mod Reviews (i.e. Gopher, Frank SiriuS, Brodual and more), a list of console commands, a complete list of IDs (WIP) and more stuff.

So, I was thinking, this could be quite useful for some people here; especially for new members. It contains all kinds of informations everyone is someway or another in need of when starting to mod her or his Skyrim. But what do you think about this? Could something like this get the people's attention, could it be useful? In general I wouldn't add specific mods if user would ask me too, I would just add the mods I like, since this is mainly a list of mods I'm using. That wouldn't mean on the other hand, that I wouldn't be open to any kind of advice and suggestions, how the file could be made even better.


This file includes links to the mod UNP and mods based on the UNP body, so if I would decide to upload it, should this be considered as adult-only content? This file also includes links to other Skyrim Mod sites, would that be a problem for the Nexus Staff?

So yeah, I just want to know what you guys think about this. If the feedback would be positive I would still need one or two more weeks to finish all the other tabs of the file (i.e. mod reviewer, ID list, and so on) but then I could upload it. :smile:

Edited by pStyl3
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