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Alternative Object Interaction - How To?

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Hi all,


I don't really know how to call this feature that's in vanilla hence it was hard searching for solutions or tutorials. That's why I'm asking here.

Basically I want to know where and how these alternative interactions for certain objects are defined.


Example: Having holo tapes centered on your crosshair allows you to pick it up by pressing E or to immediately put it in your PipBoy by pressing R.


What's the best way to setup these actions for other things? Doing this via script events or something in order to keep compatibility would be neat.

Edited by Ayelius
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Perks can add and even override activation.

Check out Entry Point "Activate": https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Perk_Entry_Point


Caveat: Only one mod at a time can replace the default activation and/or supply up to one additional activation possibility.

If two mods try to do it at the same time for the same item, NO activation option will be shown. Even if a single mod tries to add more than one (additional) activation via more than one Perk, NO activation option will be shown. An incomprehensible design decision, but that's just how things are.

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Thanks a lot!



  On 5/20/2021 at 2:13 PM, niston said:
Caveat: Only one mod at a time can replace the default activation and/or supply up to one additional activation possibility.

If two mods try to do it at the same time for the same item, NO activation option will be shown. Even if a single mod tries to add more than one (additional) activation via more than one Perk, NO activation option will be shown. An incomprehensible design decision, but that's just how things are.

What exactly does this apply to, like, is there a hierarchie? For example does it also apply to a group of objects, say if I want the additional activation to show up for all objects of type 'weapon'. If another perk would target only a subset of weapons (e.g. a specific instance), would the additional option not be shown for ALL objects of type 'weapon' or only for the specific instance that's targeted by another perk?

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AddActivate will only conflict where specific conditions match, so on weapons of the type(s) where both perks try to inject an addtional activation option.


My own solutons have conflicted with each other where a user runs multiple and enables (say) the additional Actor activation menus. The only workaround handler is for each mod to have a lookup library (IsPluginInstalled ... GetFormFromFile) of known AddActivate perks on the same objects and warn the user if the player already has a conflicting perk. Of course it only knows about the hardcoded library at the time of publishing, so is not built for change and IS A SIGNIFICANT MAINTENANCE OVERHEAD :sad:

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