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Glados faction and new game start :)


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Open your eyes in the workbench. Some machine working on you body. Glados still alive, and make her spotter. Try to found the old calculator army, take the control on their systems.


Yes, you are a machine too. A terminator as you like it who can improve herself. The character generation as like a Vanila just now Glados comment everything.

Glados voice easy to generate:

Just need somebody who terminates them. The deficiency of the experience and the plain reading are direct good this time. :thumbsup:


First mission. Make the ruins of Aperture science secure. Some Raider try to take the place. Help Glados to restore the place safety system. Glados, Glados


The doors of the Aperture totally barricaded. The surface is a road driving towards it in ruins. Raider they dug down in that manner here. You have an opportunity to go up onto the surface now. Something hapened the generators under the attack. You must find energy somewhere.

Glados Add a mark in you map the old power plan and this is you journey start.


Glados comments on the world if he manages to be attached to one of the systems cons your enemies with pleasure. Makes the robot cannon side with you...ect

You may enter into a contact with him through the radios any time.


You as like a human (can hurt). An android. You can improwe yourself (level up, skill, perk). You have some speciall perk and Glados help you if she can. Can make an another android if you need one (companion) and sentry boot (the cute voiced drones) youst bring their component.

You can build a net. Glados takes over the control on the robots amd computers who getting into the net.


It isn't a world saving quests. It youst a survival race. You can help the others (Megaton, Tenpany...ect), you can play on the original word free, just you main quest not find you dad and save the word... ah now I dot write much. I have many idea in this route...



You like the idea? :rolleyes:

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