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1) Can we please have a a mod that addresses the incomprehensibly slow fire rate for all the guns. I would say all weapon's fire rate need to be increased by several orders of magnitude.

2) Can we please have a button that allows us to drop unwanted weapons (melee, primary, special) Yes it is useful to have a small army's arsenal at your disposition stacked on your back, it's also grotesque.. I feel like a dairy cow/donkey clanking around as I gallivant to my next destination, COMING TO KILL YA!

3) Thanks to TheJanitor we have an actual possibility for immersion with a MOD that removes this disastrously bad choice of style for the HUD, but as most of you know it also removes everything and that in itself is a problem as well, still a drastic improvement but problematic. Can we have a MOD that removes all HUD elements with the exception of vital UI elements such as the map and weapon and item wheels as well as inventory menus such as journal, skills, etc.. It would also be a VERY much appreciated addition if we could have the option for a subtle cross-air like a very small off white dot, again instead of these massive goofy cross-airs that completely overbare the physics of your shots as you place them ruining all the fun of gun play. It's better to have no cross-air at all under these circumstances.

4) Is there a way to open the map for exploration from the start? why do Devs do this? I am deeply confused as to why despite litanies of complaints from preceding titles (GTA, Red Dead Redemption, Mad Max, Witcher, and countless others) Devs continue to perpetuate such disastrously stupid ideas, it is counter to the incentive of exploration to be boxed in!!! it is of no value whatsoever to the game to not be able to explore a map that claims to be AN OPEN WORLD!!! That is until the story is piratically over..

5) lastly ofcourse any new textures for weapons and clothes would result in a million flat tongued wolf kisses all over you faces

I thank you fellow Modders..

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Wanted to add a request:

Can we have a MOD where I can holster my weapon when I want to. the auto holster is a very redundant mechanism as I very often would prefer to keep my weapon drawn as I navigate around, this constant holstering forces me to constantly re-equip my weapon as I maneuver urban environment. I don't want my character to holster his weapon, I want it on the ready when I enter hot zones should I make contact.

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My wishlist:


1) gear mod (we need more outfits)

2) Darrell main character mod model (from TWD)

3) slower progression (for thouse who like to pay over 100h)

4) drive a car? (would be cool, but probably imposible)

5) more side quests

6) jump mod (to jump anytime, like it shold be in 2021)

7) no cap or bald head for MC

8) more hords and zombies




Edited by Stasikusm
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BAHAHA! OK so... and bear with me here cause this is serious.. Apparently our main character cannot go any further than five feet into any body of water or he instantly dies, despite the fact that he clearly has swimming animations coded in the game, he just simply can't handle more than five feet of water. He can survive the apocalypse, take on a battalion of super soldiers and countless men in firefights, survive all odds no matter what the circumstances BUT.. cannot negotiate the unforgiving condition of a flat water pond, that right there is his achilles heel..

so could we please have a MOD that would remove the prompt that forces the character to die should we choose to enter a body of water as the swimming mechanics are already programed and therefore rendering the decision by the Devs to forbid the protagonist from swimming dumbfounding.

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I would like to add a request to remove the noise filter, I see this static in the sky when I look carefully. This is this idiot idea that seems to be in every game now: chromatic aberration, noise filter and that disastrously stupid idea of the vignette effect.

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Can we remove the ceaseless attacks by the wolves? normal and infected wolves are everywhere, can we remove them? they provide nothing other than a constant nuisance, it makes no sense that these animals would wonder with monster that eat meat on site in hordes.. really annoying me, they even run faster than my bike at full speed.

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Can we remove the ceaseless attacks by the wolves? normal and infected wolves are everywhere, can we remove them? they provide nothing other than a constant nuisance, it makes no sense that these animals would wonder with monster that eat meat on site in hordes.. really annoying me, they even run faster than my bike at full speed.

Shoot them once when they get close and they fall, do it again and they stop.

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Appreciate the intent to help sir but after progressing in the game I have realized that it is not just the wolves that are a problem, it's the idea of trying to implement wildlife every 50 feet in the middle of a zombie apocalypse which in itself is action packed. Last thing needed here is to have wolves, infected wolves, pumas, infected pumas, bears and infected bears compounding the constant need to engage in a frantic firefight to the death every 50 feet. It's intolerable.. You want to be able to free roam and collect items, appreciate the scenery and scavenge for resources.

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