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Adding voice to a creature


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Is it possible to add dialoge/voice to a creature actor? I'm trying to make a skeleton have dialogue, but can't seem to get him to show up on the list of valid NPCs for the voice type. I get a long list of NPCs, even though I have created a voice type and attached it to the actor in question. Did I do something wrong? Or is there a way around this?

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I believe it can be done. Let's see.....


Are you just trying to give him dialogue as part of a quest? Or part of the follower quest? Is the skeleton NPC marked as "Unique"? I believe it must be for custom dialogue to work. I might be able to be a bit more detailed (even though this is not my forte) if you give a general idea of what you want to do. You might want to check this tutorial, too: http://deck16.net/post/22645519500/making-a-unique-voiced-follower-in-skyrim-part-1 . It talks about making a custom-voiced follower, but the same concepts apply to other characters.

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Mmmkay. Well, I won't be much help when it comes to actually figuring out how to trigger the dialogue (as I have never made my own voice quest - I have only ever altered vanilla quests), but I think I can help you with the problem you originally posted.


You will probably need to make a custom voice type for your skeleton (I think you said you have already?). In my experiment, I called it "TestSkeletonVoice". I made a unique NPC (by duplicating an existing skeleton) and gave him the new voice type in the actor window. I made a new quest ("DialogueTestSkeleton"), and added some conditions. On the Quest Data tab in the Quest Dialogue Conditions I made a new Condition Item that ran on the subject, used the function "GetIsVoiceType", and was able to set the parameter to "TestSkeletonVoice". Alternatively, you could use the function "GetIsID" and select your specific NPC as the parameter - in my case "TestSkeleton". I'm not sure wich is better in this case - but I'm thinking "GetIsID", because you want this dialogue for one NPC only.


From here you can create your new dialogue in the various quest tabs. Like I said - that's as far as I've gone, so I wouldn't know how to actually implement your dialogue. I hope that gives you a good starting point 'tho. :)

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