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Mod to show if weapon is one or two-handed?


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I'm not sure if a mod exists for this... but anyone know of a mod or method that shows whether a weapon is one-handed or two-handed? For example, when blacksmithing and scrolling through what weapons I can craft, it's impossible to know if a weapon is one-handed or two-handed without having to craft it. Edited by sbooksta
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I use Immersive Weapons and a couple of other weapon mods, so a save+craft+reload process is time-consuming and breaks immersion. So for me, it's not a "lmao" solution as you see it.


Also, I'm not seeing a slanted trend for two-handed weapons (obviously not among mods in particular).

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I use Immersive Weapons as well and generally I don't have this problem. Almost all two handed weapons are generally tilted in the preview and one handed weapons point straight up.

Also you should be able to tell by the weight and (sometimes) damage if it is two handed or onehanded, generally onehanded weapons will not exceed 15-20 lbs while most twohanded weapons will easily exceed that amount.

Most generic weapons in the Immersive Weapons pack (meaning not the unique pretty ones) that have names like Longsword or Greatsword or Bastard or something are generally two handed.

notice I used the word generally a LOT. Because the tips I'm giving you may or may not always work. Thats why I'm trying to give you as many indicators as possible to help you identify whether a weapon is two handed or one handed. And if, on the off chance, all those tips don't work, sorry man you're going to have to resort to save and reload.

Not trying to make light of your problem since it obviously means a lot to you, but yeah I've also had this problem but I usually come out on top as long as I follow all the indicators (weight, name, damage, tilt)

Edited by Tehandyman
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All I wanted to know is if there is a mod for this. Yes, I can get by without it. I can get by without most of my mods.


I think it would be nice to be able to scan through the weapons list for only the type you want, rather than having to inspect each image and/or compare weights and damage, and still not be entirely sure.


Thank you for your advice, I'm sure you mean well.

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