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Help! ENBs crashing my game!


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Hi ppl!


I'm kinda new to the modding of Skyrim, so I decided to take it slow. But after seeing how beatiful all this ENBs look like I decided to download one for myself. Since then I've had nothing but trouble. I tried several, Project ENB, Unreal Cinema, Sharpshooter, Enhanced Shaders... all end up crashing my game. I know I followed the intall instructions step by step, did everything they said. But still they end crashing Skyrim. I had to re download the game three times because I didn't know how else to fix it.

I'm starting to think this is either hopeless or I'm an idiot (I'd rather hope for the latter since I really want to play with an ENB). Last time it was Sharpshooter Extreme Graphics. Instructions went like this:


1. Just unpack to the Skyrim directory (where the launcher is) ---which I did
2. Download the d3d9.dll from http://www.enbdev.com/mod_tesskyrim_v0102.htm ---did that too, just the .dll and straight to the root folder
Just download the file by clicking the downwards facing arrow in the box.
Then take the d3d9.dll from the downloaded file and also place it in your skyrim directory.
3.Activate all esps that come with the mod.---went into NMM and found that the ess ps were already activated


After all that I doubleclicked my SKSE shortcut and hoped the game would go well. It didn't :S. It crashed to desktop instantly. Am I missing something? Some other file that I must have in order to run an ENB? Please, help!


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