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Random crash, lag spike when use fast travel


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Hi :smile: I've recently been having a problem where Skyrim crashes to desktop without any warning or message. I've started a new game 3 times and yet it keeps happening. Everytime i get to a certain spot, i crash. It's really frustrating having the game crash on you five minutes in.

I have a bunch of mods and don't know how to tell if they are any conflicting ones or not. Please help? :biggrin: I'm a bit desperate here lol Hours of searching and trying other people's solutoins have failed.

(I bought skyrim 2 week ago and let's face it, i'm bad whit modding)

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My GTX 680 can handle a bunch, but the game will still crash sometimes (with lot's of other mod installed). Skyrim will crash once it's using 3.2GB of RAM (not VRAM). With lots of other mods installed (for example, the Texture Pack Combiner), you can expect crashing. Unless, you use a texture optimizer and downsize them. I downsize mine to 1K. Using sharpening from ENB and SweetFX they look completely fine in most cases and 100% better than vanilla (that's because vanilla textures are often blurry right in Photoshop. Bethesda could have made the textures from the HD DLC look even better if they had worked a little longer, without decreasing performance).


What I am trying to say is that more often than not, this is the problem. Although, it could be mod conflicts - just double check that out yourself.

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Sry for my English, but i have that self problem, can anybody help me?
My Mod load order;

If i Travel to Windhelm, Solitude or Rifton, it will crash, if i exit the house in Windhelm or any other City it Crash too ;-(
(1) Update.esm
(2) Dawnguard.esm
(3) HearthFires.esm
(4) Dragonborn.esm
(5) ApachiiHair.esm
(6) RaceCompatibility.esm
(7) retreat.esm
( :cool: SPIKE.esm
(9) TAVEWindhelm.esp
(10) TAVESolitude.esp
(11) TAVERiften.esp
(12) HighResTexturePack01.esp
(13) HighResTexturePack02.esp
(14) HighResTexturePack03.esp
(15) Skyrim - Director's Cut.esp
(16) Malachit zu Vulkanglas.esp
(17) Eindeutige Regionsnamen.esp
(18) Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp
(19) Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp
(20) Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp
(21) Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp
(22) Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp
(23) Aela-1_1.esp
(24) StaticMeshImprovementMod.esp
(25) Arrowsmith.esp
(26) BooksBooksBooks.esp
(27) cao_InventoryPacks.esp
(28) craftablelockpicks.esp
(29) immersive battles.esp
(30) immersive brigands.esp
(31) immersive dawnguard.esp
(32) Immersive Dragonborn.esp
(33) immersive factions.esp
(34) immersive mercenaries.esp
(35) immersive patrols.esp
(36) immersive travelers.esp
(37) immersive werewolves.esp
(38) lt_camping.esp
(39) SabreFurBag.esp
(40) Skyrim Immersive Creatures.esp
(41) Skyrim Immersive Creatures - DLC2.esp
(42) Convenient Horses.esp
(43) CrowdedCities.esp
(44) Item Sorting by Saige.esp
(45) Item Sorting DG by Saige.esp
(46) RaceMenu.esp
(47) RaceMenuPlugin.esp
(48) SkyUI.esp
(49) FlameAtronachArmor.esp
(50) FullBootForKKSA.esp
(51) hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp
(52) ImmersiveArmorsNPCs.esp
(53) CLWhiterunExt.esp
(54) CornerofTheSkyrim.esp
(55) Dragon Falls Manor.esp
(56) immersive events.esp
(57) Markarth_plus.esp
(58) retreat.esp
(59) SovngardeNordHeroes.esp
(60) The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp
(61) Tundra Defense.esp
(62) whiterunMarket.esp
(63) Immersive Weapons.esp
(64) SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators.esp
(65) Helgen Reborn.esp
(66) RiverwoodEnhancedPlugin.esp
(67) WhiterunInEnhanced.esp
(68) Populated Cities 2.esp
(69) SaturationBoost.esp
(70) TH_Storage_All.esp
(71) DeadlyCombat.esp
(72) DeadlyCombat_HardcoreDamage.esp
(73) DeadlyCombat_NoDamageChanges.esp
(74) DeadlyCombat_GiantsAIFix.esp
(75) DeadlyCombat_UnarmedFix.esp
(76) DeadlyCombat_NoArmorChanges.esp
(77) DeadlyCombat_NoStaminaChanges.esp
(78) DeadlyCombat_NoAttackDistance.esp
(79) DeadlyCombat_NoBlockChanges.esp
(80) WotA-VaalsarkRace.esp
(81) AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp
(82) Aranya.esp
(83) Bashed Patch, 0.esp
(84) BetterLydia.esp
(85) Bewachtes Himmelsrand.esp
(86) BL - Tundra Revamped DV.esp
(87) Bloodmoon.esp
(88) Companion_Ria.esp
(89) Dagmar.esp
(90) DeadlyCombat_PISE_Patch.esp
(91) Drex.esp
(92) DudestiaOutfitChanger.esp
(93) DwemerBooks.esp
(94) Elfensiedlung DV.esp
(95) Elisabeth.esp
(96) ErynielElfV2.esp
(97) HearthfireMultiKid.esp
(98) Inconsequential NPCs.esp
(99) Item Sorting DB by Saige.esp
(100) Item Sorting HF by Saige.esp
(101) Jordis-1_1.esp
(102) KhajiitChildren.esp
(103) KKFur.esp
(104) Lumberjack's hook.esp
(105) Lydia-1_1.esp
(106) Map Markers Complete.esp
(107) More Map Markers [German Version].esp
(108) moveit.esp
(109) rebuild.esp
(110) SmallElvesAndWomen.esp
(111) Skyrim Sizes.esp
(112) Smoking Torches.esp
(113) sneAlivianaofRiverwood1.esp
(114) WATER.esp
(115) WATER Plants.esp
(116) WATER DB Waves.esp
(117) rats.esp

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