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Editing Skeleton in nifskope - game doesnt recognise my edits


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Hi guys,


I have Armed to the Teeth mod, which affects skeletons.


I want to modify the skeletons it installed for some very basic stuff, basically to make the weapons slightly further away from body + at a different angle. I know how to use 'transform' in nifskope, or at least I think i do. I go to femaleskeleton.nif in data\meshes\actors\character and use 'transform' on the sword node to edit it. The image in nifskope shows my changes, and i can see the node further away as I want it to be. I hit 'save as' and 'overwrite' but when i go into game, my changes are ignored. Sword is in exactly the same location. Why is this? Am I missing something, or doing the transform node thing incorrectly?



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Editing skeletons is weird. The way that I've read to do it (not sure if it's the best way, but it works), you find the node in the Block List that you want to edit, right-click it, go to Node and click Attach Parent Node, and choose NiNode. Then name it whatever, and do you transforms on that node.

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Skeleton bones can't be moved just like a normal mesh, especialy in Nifskope where you can't move a singole bone or a Skeleton in the z,x and y axes, however you can always resize a singole bone and that will affect the next bone or bones as well (and the part of mesh that have a weight paint as referenze for that bone/bones)

You can always try to make 3 copy of your base skeleton (dummy copies), adjust the position in the dummy then copy paste the bone at the respective node in the skeleton that you want to edit, don't know if that could work, but you can always try, just rember to make a copy of the vanilla skeleton in case something going wrong.

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