HELLJUMPERS21 Posted May 21, 2021 Share Posted May 21, 2021 (edited) Ok so I made a couple mods; 2 players homes and a pool extension for one of them and I have a few questions I cant seem to find answers to. I appreciate the help in advance. Homes in reference: Solitude Pool Extension for Solitude Whiterun/Tundra 1. Navmesh Solitude: I created the home. All the cells that include the home that were altered were renamed and navmeshed. Tested mod. Followers were fine. They walked everywhere and followed me anywhere I went. When I made the pool extension, I was worried that since the pool was in the same cell, it would overwrite the navmesh for the original house. So I loaded up the house as a plugin, the pool as an active file and began navmeshing the pool. Once complete, I saved the active plugin and exited. I went back with just the pool as an active plugin. I know had all the house navmesh there with no house. So far so good. I deleted all the duplicate navmesh, and deleted the navmesh that was below the earth from when I raised the earth making the pool. When I was done, I had all the navmesh for the pool AND the exterior of the house ie porches and alcoves etc. My thought was that now when players load up the pool, the navmesh will be overwritten right back to the original navmesh plan around the house with added pool section. For the most part it works fine. But some spots they stop and walk all the way over to the next cell to try and get to me. Was my theory of overwritten navmesh correct or is there just an overlap now? The house splits 3 cells: The main house cell, The backporch/docks cell, and The camp cell. The backporch rolls over into the docks cell with the pool and the docks roll over into the camp cell. All 3 were navmeshed altered and finalized into the pool extension mod. 2. Markers Pool Extension: In the pool mod I created 2 scaled down Dibella statues that used FXWaterfallThinLeak that spray out of the flowers. I also used a splash effect where it hits the water. On PC tests they showed up fine. On xbox the only thing that appeared were the 2 splash effects where the water should be hitting. So I said "ok, I'll make you work" I wrote a script to a push button connecting to an xmarker that was parent enabled to the 2 leaks and 2 splash effects. I tested on xbox and voila! It worked!.........except the aqua blue markers that come with the leak that we toggle on and off using M key in CK, were showing up. Ugh why? It is a movable static, and I just realized that half the FXWaterfallThinLeak is below the water plane. Is that the issue? 2. It was a specific thin water leak that was the problem. I switched it out and the blue lines were gone. 3. Grey face Solitude: So included in this house mod is a camp near the waters edge. I have NPCs there working on the hull of a ship. Eventually I will make a quest with it. For now they have some simple schedules and idle markers. They all have the grey face. Now I DID do the whole CTRL + F4 to export the facegen textures. The issue is that on xbox they are still grey. So xbox uploads are so finnicky. I tried forever to get Multiple Adoptions mod to work on xbox even though EVERYTHING was done right for that mod. The trick that worked was that I click upload my mod for PC. I weed out all the vanilla textures and scripts and export the list as a .achlist. Then I close the uploader and click upload for xbox. I wait for it to make a list then import the list I made a few mins before. Everything usually works properly by doing it that way. But it doesn't come with those facegen textures. How do I include those? 4.Planters Solitude AND Whiterun/Tundra homes: I had an issue where players were entering into the home and getting spammed to death by "cant plant that here" messages. After some research I narrowed it down to the planter NPCs themselves. They were in a cellar within the interior house cell. I removed the entire utility cellar and put it in its own cell and relinked all the soil to the NPCs. But since day one, I've had this weird bug on Xbox. If you plant an item, it will grow and when you harvest, nothing changes on the plant. You can harvest a second time but its a pain to find the exact spot to click to harvest the second time. When you do, THEN the plant changes to the harvested look. So basically, you can plant one item, and 2 will grow in place. This ONLY happens in the interior cell of the house. The 2 outdoor planters I have work fine. I have the interior location set for NORESETZONE. 4. 1/2 The planters just stopped working in the home. It was because I copied and pasted the NPCs into another cell that did it. Even though they were still linked, the soil still wouldn't allow you to plant. I deleted all the soil and all the planters and remade them with their links. Problem solved. But still have the issue of multipe harvest. 5. Resets Solitude AND Whiterun/Tundra homes: So I have food on the dining room table. The food is take-able. Once you take it, it NEVER respawns back. Is this because I have the interior location set to NORESETZONE? I was told I should make my homes to NORESETZONE so that the player doesn't lose any items in chests, etc. How to correct this issue? 6. Fish Hatchery Solitude AND Whiterun/Tundra homes: So I put in fish hatcheries. Linked the hatchery to the hatchery NPC in my utility cell. Dropped 6 spawners in water, linked them all to the array list in order to the byoh fish container list. Added tame slaughterfish, and eggs. Enable parented the eggs to the slaughterfish and the slaughterfish link refed to the hatchery. Added tame mudcrabs and linked them to hatchery as well. Anyway, everything works great drop in ingredients, wait fish spawn after a day or so. If you go into the hatchery and take anything......the next time you come back, everything is gone, poof and it never comes back. You cant try to place anymore ingredients either. A banner pops up and says "you only need to place one of each item". What gives? Also if you kill the mudcrabs, they NEVER respawn. All in all they are beautiful homes with great capabilities and auto sorting abilities but these issues are, per the norm, frustratingly difficult to pin down. Edited May 27, 2021 by Chris20201986 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Adventurer1111 Posted May 23, 2021 Share Posted May 23, 2021 I think for... #3 in you mod you have to include the character face tint and face mesh (although not sure on the face mesh) and deliver with your mod to remove the grey face you can find this under:FACE TINT:\Data\Textures\Actors\Character\FaceGenData\FaceTint\(modname).esp\Data\Meshes\Actors\Character\FaceGenData\FaceGeom\(modname).esp #5 I believe it is because you have this set to No Reset Zone, which is usually more important to Players than food anyways :) Good Luck! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HELLJUMPERS21 Posted May 23, 2021 Author Share Posted May 23, 2021 (edited) I think for... #3 in you mod you have to include the character face tint and face mesh (although not sure on the face mesh) and deliver with your mod to remove the grey face you can find this under:FACE TINT:\Data\Textures\Actors\Character\FaceGenData\FaceTint\(modname).esp\Data\Meshes\Actors\Character\FaceGenData\FaceGeom\(modname).esp #5 I believe it is because you have this set to No Reset Zone, which is usually more important to Players than food anyways :smile: Good Luck!That's the thing though, I have no idea how to include those when uploading to xb1 on Bethesda.net. I just use their uploader in the CK and it doesn't fetch those files nor give me the option to add them to the packaged files list. I update the face gen and I know where they are at. Including them? Not so much. lol Edited May 23, 2021 by Chris20201986 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Adventurer1111 Posted May 23, 2021 Share Posted May 23, 2021 Here is what I have in notes from Patternboy. I have not used this yet but it is a very comprehensive guide on uploading a mod to Xbox. They did a great job on this: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/27189 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
3nrim Posted May 24, 2021 Share Posted May 24, 2021 #1 - My thoughts ...You're clever to test your namesh with NPS's. NPC's in plural heeehe - They act difrently. That's why we need to test with more than one Floower.When NPC's walk strange routes, check navmesh in CK. NPC's are like trains, they need railroad tracks - Navigation Mesh.I am sure you know how, but this is also meant for the maybe not so experienced reader :)In Navmesh mode, use the Test Navmesh option, Choose Actor, type name of actor (e.g. HousecarlSolitude), press OK.Point on a triangle, Right Click, then point and right clik on an other triangle.This will show the route your chosen NPC will walk, now marked with green if navmesh is OK, or reveal where the navmesh is broken, marked as yellow.If you see the yellow markers, there are several options.Either the navmesh is to cluttered, meaning to many tiny triangles, or it might be hovering, or to low, to narrow, overlaping or broken.What ever it is, you might end up like HUU??? Meaning you can't figure it out, it all seems good to you.Then delete a few triangles or just one, make new triangles, and try the TEST NAVMESH option again.(CK sometimes works in superstitious ways)At a point you will make it work out right and see the nice green line.Working on exterior navmesh and overwriting -To be able to see your navmesh, I would need to download your mods.I'm not going to do that atm, as I working on my (pretty large) own mod - sorry :)If I understand you correct, the way you navmeshed should be good.As long you don't delete the original navmesh. OR, let your pool mod overwrite and delete the house mods navmesh.Don't delete or overwrite the original navmesh, but add to it.Cell View window yelds the Form ID of the original navmesh. Make a note of those Form ID's.Your new added/corrected/edited or what ever navmesh, should have the same Form ID.When you continue on your pool, make sure it also contiues on the navmesh from your house mod.In your pool mod, you could edit the house mods navmesh, to make it fit your pool mod.Then all should be OK as long it is the same Form ID and pool mod loads after house mod.Testing Navigating Mesh -NPC's don't like navmesh islands, overlappings or broken borders.Each verticie have to be coneted to a neighbour verticie on cell boarders.Yes, I know Bethesda not allways do that, and left it for the modder to correct, and fixing it, will add yet a cell to your mod hmm.Run a Check on your navmesh.(This is again for the ALL readers)From navmesh menu, choose Find Triangle (CTRL+F) Now choose Check Navmesh. (Or choose from Main menu/Navmesh/Check Navmeshes and look for errors in the Warnings Window)No Warnings Found, is just such a lovely message. It can however yeld a number of triangles found, (e.g. Found 9 triangles with high priority warnings, delete all?) and ask if you want to delete them.NO WAY! Don't delete the navmesh, all you do is click NO (the Found Warnings window close) and select Next Warnig and you're taken directly to the triangle with an error. Correct the error, then press Check Navmesh again.Do this until all triangles are good. Yes it is a tiresome but a realy necessary process, to prevent CTD's and provide smooth NPC behavior.When all navmesh in the curent cell is good and have no errors, no warnings, then Create Cover (CTRL+F2) and Finalice (CTRL+F1) the navmesh, and SAVE.And now the final check for errors, if any, shown in the warnings window.(I move from my current cell to the neighbour cell, clear all warnings, if any, and back, then read, if any, warnings - CK sometimes works in superstitious ways)And a final check even, run the mod('s) through SSEdit to see if the cleaner found something. There is one person I realy admire, and that's Jennifer Cave - She made a huge and lovely nerdish tutorial video on navmesh.Video length: 1.09.04 - Name: Navmeshing Tutorial For Fallout 4 - Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RwcmgrTi1kAt 38:00 in her video, she fixes deleted navmesh in SSEdit. Yes, yes I know she uses FO4Edit, becourse she edits Fallout 4 :)At 45:10 - 46:10, she is doing a real nice trick, "concealing" exsisting navmesh away from NPC's in a corner.And still in honor to all the readers yet a link: Bethesda Tutorial Navmesh https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Bethesda_Tutorial_Navmesh I hope this could help you Chris20201986, and Happy navmess'ing Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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