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Basic Stupidity Question


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Okay, it's not like I haven't been around at all, but I'd like a stupid question about conflicts cleared up.


Say Mod A give Bretons a new racial power. Mod B changes Bretons' height.

Or Mod A adds a sword to a loot list. Mod B adds a different sword to the same list.


In both cases Mod B would cancel out Mod A even though they don't contradict each other because mods aren't 'transparent', and the game goes "This thing was modified, better use all the information from the top mod even when it wasn't changed"?


I know, it's an embarrassing question to have to ask ^^;

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Two mods changing one record... I don't think so? Having one changing the hair of an NPC and another changing its individual combat style (for example) shouldn't conflict..?

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