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Secunda Island (WIP)


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Secunda Island is a small self-sufficient island south of Valenwood. Secunda Island was named after a moon of Nirn. Secunda Island has a castle that was built during the Second Era after the Aldmeri Dominion was formed. As more Elves decided to call Secunda Island home, the castle expanded. Eventually, construction had to begin outside the main walls. During the Third Era much knowledge of Secunda Island was lost.

Secunda Island was established as a refuge for Elves that did not support the Aldmeri Dominion by Erval The Great. Since establishment, The Aldmeri Dominion has attempted to take the island many times.

The first attack was close to twenty years after Erval settled there. The Aldmeri Dominion severely under estimated the number of Secunda Island and the entire raiding force was wiped out. This attack prompted Erval to build better defenses. Much of the camp was taken down and within five years “Masser” was built, named after the other moon of Nirn. The Elves of Secunda Island changed the way they lived by a lot. Instead of living in trees they now live surrounded by stone walls.
Close to the end of the Second Age, The Empire requested that Secunda Island become a part of The Empire. Secunda Island chose not to accept in case it gave The Aldmeri Dominion more incentive to attack. The Empire in anger sent a large raiding force complete with siege equipment. The raiding force was much larger than the population of Secunda. So using tunnels that they had intended to become a sewer system, the army of Secunda Island traveled under the Imperial forces and ambushed them while they were sleeping. Erval The Great was slain in this battle.

The second attack by The Aldmeri Dominion happened early in the Third Age. This time, not underestimating the Elves of Secunda Island, The Aldmeri Dominion sent a much larger attacking force. The Aldmeri Dominion were not prepared enough to take the island for they had not brought any siege equipment. After a failed attack of the castle one soldier managed to escape the pursuing archers and made it back to Valenwood.

A year after the second failed attack, The Aldmeri Dominion sent another attack force, this time with the necessary equipment required to break the walls. The Aldmeri Dominion managed to slaughter nearly the entire population of Secunda Island before they were overcome. The small amount of survivors slowly rebuilt the settlement and rebuilt the population. Many Elves that were based in Cyrodiil fled to Secunda Island after the White-Gold Concordat was signed

Secunda Island is completely self-sufficient. It produces its own food from the farms surrounding the main castle. It collects its ore from the mine under the Great Mountain and the local blacksmith forges weapons and armor with it. The majority of water comes from the wells scattered around the area. It gets it mead and ale from the local winery. Secunda also has a sufficient supply of fish as the island docks are home to a few fishing vessels.
The Green Pact:
When the Elves from Valenwood moved to Secunda Island they chose to forsake the pact between the forest deity Y’ffre. The Green Pact originally stopped Bosmer eating plants. When they became self-sufficient they decided that agriculture would have to be used in order to survive.
The Aujana Treaty:
After being repeatedly attacked by The Aldmeri Dominion, the Elves of Secunda chose to send emissaries to The Empire. After much negotiating the Elves and The Empire came to an agreement that if Secunda raided and held a village east of Southpoint in Valenwood, The Empire would help defend any attacks against Secunda Island. The Aujana Treaty was signed in 3E 433. No attacks have occurred that have invoked The Aujana Treaty since the signing.
Secunda has very unique siege defense tactics that have seen varied results. Instead of letting the enemy attack the wall, the bulk of the Secunda soldiers are based outside the wall. Meanwhile the women and children stay inside the wall.
Secunda Island Elves fight differently than normal elves. Wood Elves normally prefer to attack their enemy from range while High Elves use magic. Apart from the court wizard, Secunda uses very little magic. Archers are also not used as frequently as other elvish factions. Secunda prefers to face the enemy in close combat, normally wielding bladed weapons. Unlike regular Elves, Secunda Elves prefer to use heavy armor.

Inner Castle: 50%
Outer Castle: 70%
Township: 5%
Dock: 75%
Military Camps: 0%
NPC's: 3%
Quests: 0%

Any help would be appreciated. I particully need help with questing, scripting and texturing.

I would like to thank Budz42 for making a banner for me and Tamira for the converting of Stroti's Oblivion resources which are used a lot in this mod.




Archer Guards Armor

Swordsman Guards Armor

Dock Warehouse

Merchant Ship

Royal Galley

Dock Overview


Outer Wall 1

Outer Wall 2

Castle Library

Armory 1

Armory 2

Recreation Hall

Royal Bathhouse

Treasurers Quarters

Wizards Tower 1

Wizards Tower 2

Wizards Tower 3

Vault 1

Vault 2

Tower Top

Public Toilet Block


Royal Stables

Prison (Outside)

Prison Inside

Fountain and Pond Memorial

Master Bedroom

Master Bathroom


General Quarters

Castle Gate Outside

Castle Gate Inside

Castle Defenses 1

Castle Defenses 2

Blacksmith Outside

Blacksmith Inside 1

Blacksmith Inside 2

Castle Top Garden


Edited by HomerY
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