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Immortal Dragons and Friendly Draugrs in Solstheim


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Having a little problem with the Dragonborn DLC. When I first fought a serpentine dragon I decided to use archery, it was too fast while flying so I waited for it to land for opportunities to shoot it. When it was nearly dead it just started flying and wouldn't land... after a frustrating 10 minutes of missing with arrows and ice spears (I know, my aim sucks but I am also playing on master difficulty) I resorted to lightning storm and drained all of its remaining health. The health bar disappeared but the name of the enemy was still up there and the dragon was still flying around. Then I resorted to the boring way by opening the console, clicking the dragon and typing "kill". I hit enter and to my surprise the dragon was still flying around completely unaffected. I left the dragon and went to his lair to learn the new shout. It was guarded by draugr death lords who weren't attacking me. Also, whenever I raid a tomb I get the same problem with draugrs... They don't attack me unless I attack them... I don't want to attack them every time to get into battle, I want them to be hostile from the start... are there any fixes for this?

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