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In Need of a Mesher- Teenagers in Skyrim


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I am currently working on a mod to add teenagers into Skyrim- in a lore friendly way as if they were in the vanilla game (original thread here: (http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1002959-teenagers-in-skyrim-re-awaken-help/). I can work on everything to do with the Creation Kit but I need a mesher who can create a teenager looking body (or edit the adult one to look as if it belonged to a teenager). The current children are aged between 10 and 12 so the teenagers will be about 14 to 17.


If you can help or know anyone that may be able to then please do not be afraid to contact me!

Edited by Voodo1314
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I'm not a mesher, but did create a teen character once. I found it strange that little kids went straight to mature adults in Skyrim. I used ChronoTrigger77's bodyslide++ for the female, using the sliders to alter the CBBE bodies without my having to alter the body mesh myself. Set character's height to about 0.93 in CK. The link also leads to Caliente's adaptable vanilla armors http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/32731//


Another approach is to pick UNP slim and/or petite like AncientKane did for the Teen Meadery elves.

http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/35827/, but there are fewer vanilla outfits that fit. See http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/34102/


I had less success with males. Resized in CK, used a prettier male face mod. I just had shorter muscle-bound old guys. Was going to try again with Body of Man without muscles by alvenon but never got around to it http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/35993//

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This mod sounds great, but try not to be the idea guy :D


I recommend using CBBE bodyslider to create a "teenaged" body, then just modifying the skeleton, using a setscale, and applying it all to a specific race.

You can probably use enhanced character edit to modify the faces, to make them look younger then.


Idea 2: Take the monli race, use a different skeleton to shape it a bit better, then setscale that. Use a sound modification program to modify the child voices to make them sound a lil bit older...


These ideas are just if you never end up finding a 3-D modeller to work with.

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Thanks for the ideas! I believe I can accomplish this without someone with mesh knowledge.


Any other ideas for the male teen body and texture? Just want to have a selection to decide between.

Thanks again!

Edited by Voodo1314
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