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Weapon MinRange/ MaxRange? How do they work?


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I'm trying to edit MinRange/MaxRange for weapons to change how NPC's use said weapons.


Now what exactly do MinRange and MaxRange affect? The distance the NPC would shoot the gun? That's what I'm trying to achieve: less pistol sniping from 50 yards and more NPC's shooting a sniper/rifle from the proper range of couple hundred yards maybe.


How are the numbers calculated? How much for say 1 yard? And do I need to edit MinRange or MaxRange?

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See the Nukepedia article. Basically if the bullet hits outside of the min/max range value, the damage is modified. There is no mention of an affect upon accuracy. To affect that you need to adjust the "weapon spread" value.



There's no FNV or FO3 mentioned in that article, I'm pretty sure it does a very different thing in those games, closer to what I described.

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From what I could found, the weapon range is multiplied by the Combat Style range's multipliers depending on NPC. Most NPC's use the DefaultCombatStyle, which has a 1 multiplier.


Translating game units into actual distance, for your average NPC, using default values, you'd get the following maximum shooting ranges:

  • Hunting Rifle - 31 yards
  • 10mm SMG and Pistol - 12 yards
  • Sawed-off Shotgun - 8 yards
  • Sniper Rifle - 55 yards
  • Varmint Rifle - 46 yards
  • Riot Shotgun & Hungting Shotgun - 9.3 yards
  • Lever-Action Shotgun - 24 yards
  • Hunting Revolver - 23 yards
  • .44 Magnum Revolver - 23 yards
  • .356 Magnum Revolver - 12 yards
  • 9mm SMG - 16 yards
  • 9mm Pistol - 12 yards
  • Cowboy Repeater - 23 yards
  • Anti-Materiel Rifle - 55 yards
  • Assault Carbine - 16 yards
  • Light Machine Gun - 16 yards
  • Trail Carbine - 23 yards
  • Caravan Shotgun - 9.3 yards
  • Service Rifle - 55 yards


Now those are some wild numbers if I'm right, and quite inconsistent on the developer's part. Realism isn't really at play here at all.


A cell has 64 yards so most of the guns aren't even shot by NPC's from further away than 1 cell.


The NPC's using DefaultSniperStyle get a x3 range multiplier so they'd be the only ones to pull this off.

Edited by Draghy
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I just done some tests in the TestWeapon cell and I found out some surprising results.


The measurement isn't exactly made in GameUnits. While a 64 GameUnits = 1 yard, for weapon MaxRange, the actual value for 64 is 10 yards!


So MaxRange = 64 would mean the NPC gets in the 10 yard range and then shoots the weapon.

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