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220 Mods Installed...Is There No End?


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I was just counting how many mods I have in my game total between Nexus and Steam. I have 220 mods and over 240 esp/esm's installed. Is there a limit as to how many can be installed in the game? Does NMM have a limit? I just want to know just in case I reach it and have to sort figuring which ones I want to keep and which ones I don't need.

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yes there is a limit of 255 ESPs/ESMs (maybe 256). This is a limitation of the hexadecimel numbering system that is used for indexing the formIDs of each plugin/master. ESPs that are completely merged into a bashed patch (if you use wrye bash) do not count towards the limit since they aren't technically active.

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With the 220 I have installed I have never had a problem. I use BOSS and I make sure that every mod is compatible and works with one another. I never force any of them to work together. No patch, no problem...I just don't use it. My graphics settings is on Ultra with no FPS problems (anywheres between 30 to 60 FPS). I'll probably hit a point here soon where enough is enough...at least I hope, before I hit the limit.

Edited by majikku22
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