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Complete Crash!


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i recently downloaded the 28 Days and A bit 2 mod, after using the mod, i decided not to use it anymore, so i went to disable it and then tried to play the file that i played Before using the mod, it came up with "This Save needs previous data" or something like that, and so i clicked OK and then the game crashed and keeps crashing, without allowing to paly, any help or ideas on how to stop this?? all help is much apreciated!!
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thats the thing! even after re-enabling the mod, i cant even load previous saves or load characters who havent used the mod! i get to the "Load" screen and it doesnt move, then the game crashes, in the main title screen it wont let me start up a new game. has any1 got any other advice? (thanks but not working!!!)
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hmmm... Looking at the screenshots for that mod, it appears to make massive changes to game environment all over cyrodil. My guess is it contains files that are overwriting vanillia data files.


If I were in your situation, I would open up the mods zip files. and carefully compare it to your data folder and manually delete all the files the archive copied to your data folder. Then I would start a new character to see if you still have the same problem. If you don't, then I would try a previeously saved game that didn't use the mod. **edit, oh and don't forget, if you use OBMM to reopen that and let it redo your archive invalidation thingy.


I feel for your situation. Worst case scenario delete your meshes and textures folder and reinstall the mods you want to use.


Maybe others have a better idea of what to do. :confused:

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I would suggest you use wyre bash and see what (and in what order) mods were used when you saved that game. It would also show if there are some missing esp/esms.


You can have a list of mods active, but if you remove one, then reinstall it, it might change the load order (load last) and therefor cause you CTDs. Some do that as soon as the Oblivion starts. (e.g. BC must load after the Shipping in Cyrodiil mod, otherwise it crashes within seconds).


Also, make sure you start the game using obse_loader.exe, if available.. not OblivionLauncher.exe or Oblivion.exe.

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