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ISO Blender Help for Stupid Simple Nif Modification

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Anyone out there in the mood to give me a hand? I can't seem to get blender to accept ANY nifs from skyrim SE. I've done it all, nif addon, converting to obj tried earlier versions of nifscope to do so, etc. At wits end. I just need to delete a simple set of stairs and railing from byohbyohwrporchkext01 and remove all but one post from byohbyohwrhubposts01

Edited by Chris20201986
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The current Blender add-on does not support SSE meshes.


You could do your edits using an LE version of the same nif, then convert it to SSE with Nif Optimizer.


Or you could use Outfit Studio to do the edits, no need to import/export obj of fbx files between programs. Here's a small tutorial I threw together to edit any static mesh.

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The workflow I have used if I want to adjust in Blender and not use Outfit Studio for mesh changes is:


1. Open NIF in Outfit Studio

2. Export to OBJ

3. Open OBJ in Blender and make mesh tweaks

4. Export to OBJ when done

5. Open OBJ in Outfit Studio and open original NIF; make sure the new mesh and old mesh from original NIF align. Delete the old mesh (IMPORTANT: Make sure you have a backup); if you are making anything with bone weights you will have to re-copy bone weights.

6. Export to NIF with reference from Outfit Studio

7. Add back in .dds texture files in NIF file



Just to add on to what others have said, Blender will not open SSE NIF files so it has to be an LE but I have not had a lot of luck with NIF files in Blender so I always use OBJ or FBX as a go between.


Good Luck!

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All very helpful. Thank you much! Yea I just spent hours deleting nodes/vertices and then when done it was all one mesh with no shader properties......ugh. I figured it would just keep the originals. Figured out Outfit Studio and currently doing it all over again. Fingers crossed.

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