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New System - How Can I load or move my modded Skyrim to it?


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New System - How Can I load modded Skyrim to it? Should be a common issue

I just built a new gaming rig. How do I get Skyrim up and running with the same progress and stats on the new system? I have my own backups of all save games, *.ini files, mods, and even a backup of the entire Data folder. I also made a Steam backup.


I assume I have to get the game going first, then I can copy my existing DATA folder with all the mods on top of the new (unmodded) DATA folder.


But do I just reinstall everything on the new system from scratch?

Do I have to mess with steam somehow, like downloading everything from them?

Do I have to delete the game from the old system, or can I leave it there too?


I would assume this to be a common situation, but I did some searches here and found little on this situation, and the Steam site is confusing regarding new systems.

NOTE: I am NOT asking about moving Steam from an existing HD to an SSD (or vice versa) or to a different drive on the same system. I am talking about a totally new system.


If there are good links, please post as many as possible .

There should be a sticky on this topic.


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I assume I have to get the game going first, then I can copy my existing DATA folder with all the mods on top of the new (unmodded) DATA folder.


That's about it. You'll want to move your old save backups to your new save folder and reinstall your enb's but otherwise that 'should' do you.

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Thanks, but I'm still not clear on the best way to get the game up and running.


Does it need reinstalled from the DVD or does Steam restore a backup or what?


One more question.

Where are all the config and .ini files located?

I know they are in more than one location but can't remember both, I know you have to change both for things to work right.


Moderator: It would still be nice to have a step by step proceedure for the community, beginning with step one and Steam, and sticky it. Steam's web page is not clear.



Edited by PunisherX100
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Yes, install Skyrim through Steam on your new system, then;

You need to copy your Data folder --- all files and folders under "My Documents\My Games\Skyrim" --- all files and folders under "%userprofile%\AppData\local\Skyrim" --- if you have any mods placed in Skyrim root folder (ENB, SweetFX, RCRN, etc) you need to copy them over as well.


Tricky part is moving NMM if you have. I'm not sure if you can manage that by just moving the directory. I think it will still know which mods have been installed and so on, not sure tho, never did it. Pretty sure you need to keep directory locations the same tho. NMM has folders in C:\Games and probably inside AppData as well.


And for the love of god, make a clean save of your important save games where you have properly deactivated your current mods (just in case)... I think STEP project has a guide for it somewhere.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thaks Pro80

Good clear info, and that last location was what I was trying to remember.

Yeah, I have the save games in about 4 backup locations.

I don't use NMM although I did with Oblivion. I prefer to install mods myself, especially since it doesn't work on some things.

I'll post a step by step for others when I get it all together and tear myself away from the game.

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