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How did he change the Resolution from low to high ?


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As far as I can see, he did change the normal 512x512 Texture with 1024x1024 WITHOUT QUALITYLOSS....How did he make that ? for example, the Sniperrifle.dds looks exactly the same as his, but he got a higher resolution....how did he make that o_O


Even if you enlarge a picture, it should be relatively same since it is being compressed back down to the size of the model. It does appear that he changed some of the "wood" parts on guns. I think most of it has to do with making a better and larger normal map. Since all those little scratches and details are generated from that.

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Jaskano got it


typically when im Up-resing a brutal low quality texture, i use Overlays. Lots and lots of overlays. Usually of similar materials, overlay them on specific blending layers in photoshop to bring out high detail, while using the blurry under layer as a base.


Also noise helps alot. create a new layer, fill with 50% gray. Apply the Noise filter, monochromatic, gaussian distribution. Set this layer to Multiply, put it on top of your other layers.

Set opacity of this layer anywhere from 40-80% looks great.


Adds a bit of pixelly noise that makes things look more detailed than they really are



the science behind this is simple. Our eyes look for patterns, once we see a large odd looking pixel, we will instantaneously (and usually subconsciously) see more of them and pretty soon we can tell if a texture has been unnaturally enlarged.


When you add a noise filter, it creates really small dots at a much smaller size (the normal size of pixels in contrast to the enlarged size) Since these details are now the smallest detail on the texture, our brain has a harder time of associating what we are seeing with an enlarged grid of pixels, since now there are more random smaller visual elements to break up the patterns.

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