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Suit Holster Mod


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I was wondering if it would be possible that when an upper body holster is equiped that the character could holster and unholster from his/her chest. If that is possible then it would be neat to have an "invisible" holster or one that would embed the weapon into the character to give it the illusion that its being holstered inside a suit jacket.

Just wondering. Thank you for your time.

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I was wondering if it would be possible that when an upper body holster is equiped that the character could holster and unholster from his/her chest.


If I'm catching your drift, you could definitely put a upper body holster on your player and have a weapon appear to occupy it, but I don't think there is any animations to draw the weapon from that type of holster.

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Hey devin, thank you for taking the time to reply.


yeah I was looking towards animations. Which would be next to impossible to do wihtout the right equipment. Nevertheless you did catch what I was getting at.


once again thank you for taking the time to read and reply.

Edited by Skyviper086
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