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Rogue Mods


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I had to re-install skyrim so starting fresh. Im looking to build my mods around Stealth Skills Rebalanced and Smithing Perks Overhauled. Both are by kryptopyr and looks amazing. Im pretty sure for the other perks im going to be using ACE Combat Skills, but I had a few questions on some more mods.


What is the best Needs Mod? I looked at Realistic Needs and Diseases, but I want something that encourages hunting and setting up camp and cooking.


What would be a good difficulty mod? I liked combat with requiem but it just didnt do what I wanted for perks/stealth settings.


Is there a mod that adds like a forage skill to allow me to hit it to find food in the area?


Im also looking for a dagger/armor set for my character. Im going to be a rogue type, but want something lore friendly. Preferably something made with leather/fur type and not the standard "you are assassin so you wear black!" and nothing too ornate for the dagger, something simple.


What would be some good player homes for this type of character? nothing huge and ornate but simple and shady?

Edited by LucretOtiustiris
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Realistic Needs and Diseases w/ Frostfall w/ pretty much any hunting mod (hunterborn, hunters guild, etc) would cover your needs mod. The thing is, no mod covers everything alone. Skyrim Redone is an overhaul that increases the difficulty and alters all the perks, so it won't be compatble with either of Kryptopyr's mods. That said, it's built around mods like Borgut1337's sneak tools, and is well balanced.


Other mods that increase difficulty are Enhanced Mighty Dragons, Deadly Dragons, Deadly Combat, Dual Combat Realism, Immersive Creatures.


I would just look through armor mods, if I were you. Only you know what looks good to you.

Edited by Nudedragon
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