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New cities


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One of the few things I didn't like with Fallout 3 is the lack of towns.



So here is my idea for a city:

This city would have a big problem with drug abusers, they walk in dark alleys offering each other (And you ofcourse) drugs. The policeforce is having a hard time controlling this. By having drugs on you will result in a confrontation with a policeofficer and he takes you down to the station and you get interrogated and once they establish you are new in town and dosn't know any better they inform you about the current situation, this would be where a quest starts where you can either ignore the police and help the junkies, or help the police get rid of the junkies.


There would be places where you could pick up prostitutes (males and females since not everyone in the world is straight)

Bars with roudy people just waiting to badmouth you or offer you odd jobs.


A fist fighting club where you could earn some caps by winning fights. Ofcourse you would have to put in caps before the fight in order to participate and the caps you put in would be doubled if you won. Example: You put 100 caps on that you will win the fight and actually win, that earns you 200 caps.


Simply put, a real town/city that felt alive, not like boring old Megaton that hardly contained anything.


The design of the town would be something like this:

The houses would be built of junk, the boarders of the town surrounded by concrete walls and the opening guarded by 2 heavy armed guards.



Just a basic idea of what I think should be put in.

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... males and females since not everyone in the world is straight...


Sorry, but this part made me laugh. :D


Some women also use prostitutes you know? Man-whores? Politicians? :teehee:


As for the idea, I think it'd be nice with a real scummy town where morals were left out to dry and crime ran rampant. I know we already have Paradise Falls, but that's a sorry excuse for seething warren of crime if I have ever seen one. They don't even have a "Bobs Iguana Bits" or a used car salesmanship for crying out loud!

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