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Stamina draining too quickly when zooming in with bow (skyre)


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Hi, i have been using the skill to slow time when zooming in with longbow for quite a long time (with ancient nord longbow).


Now i finally found a Ruby gemstone longbow, much better, but when i use the zoom in (steady hand skyre perk) time slows down, but stamina drains very quickly...2-3 arrows and stamina is already at zero. This doesn't happen with shortbows.


I am using the "recurve longbows" mod too...maybe it has something to do with it?



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I re-installed balbor and steelsouls and reproccer (this one http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/28467/?tab=2&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D28467&pUp=1) and let Boss fix my load order (attached).


Now the ruby gemstone longbow does only 35 damage, shortbows do more than that!


With the stormcloak longbows though, i don't have the stamina problem.


I am lost here. the ruby gemstone longbow value is 2200, much higher than the other bows, but does only 35...shortbows do 58 and stormcloak longbow does 72


Maybe using immersive weapons, recurve longbows and better bows together was not a good idea.


I am attaching my load order.


Any advice?

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Longbows and shortbows benefit from different perks. Recurve longbows is already included IN skyre, no point in having both. Longbows would, logically, drain stamina much faster than shortbows. This may be intentional.

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What you say is completely normal for SkyRe... I guess you are a low level and dont have like 400+ Stamina yet, so yes, a few shots, especially while zooming - stamina is gone with SkyRe! This is normal and intentional. I got about 450 stamina now and can zoom all day long... This is because stamina regen system in SkyRe is time based (something like 4 seconds to get a full bar) so, when you have low stamina the 'usable' stamina is low (your regen is low.... 200 stamina total / 4 sec regen = 50 stamina per sec to use), but when you get higher stamina, say 450 this stamina per sec goes up by a lot ... 450 / 4 = 112.5 stamina per sec to use... so the stamina drain of zooming is almost mitigated.


I dont think you can use better bows with SkyRe. And why would you? It just includes bows from Recurve Longbows and Immersive Weapons... not really a point besides confusing stuff for yourself. Recurve Longbows is included in the newest version of SkyRe, so no need for that either.


Longbows to less dmg on the bow display than shortbows - but trust me they do a heck of a lot more dmg in game when you have the perks.

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