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Bruma goes KABOOM


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Ok, I don't know if anyone else has posted this (I'm a little too lazy to bother searching) but on some of my save games, I can't get into bruma anymore. It happened a while ago, but until a few days ago, the problem has happened again. At first, I thought it was a mod preventing it but it isn't after moving things about. Is there anything that can be done? A program or something? Or maybe it's the game...



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i had someting like that happen to me in cheydinhall....after unchecking all my mods...and loading the game with 1 mod at the time...i realize that it was cause by a mod that change or add something around or in the cell...(in my case, cheydinhall entry gate cell)...try that...you never know, it was that for me ! good luck !
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Thanks for the help, my save game is a mystic elf so that may be it but then again, i've done it witth a golden saint and thats fine so whatever. thanks for the link, i'll try it


It could also be a mod added weapon or armor/clothes, as well as a mod added race, as I mentioned before.

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If this is specific to Bruma, there is a Bruma statue bug - (spoiler)

when you become the savior of Bruma, the grateful citizens erect a new statue of your character, that actually looks like your character.

. If you use a different character and go into Bruma while it is there, it will cause a crash. So your saved game may be using a different character than was saved.


Check myrmaad's post for a possible fix.

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I have never used the kill bugged statues mod before. does it create a new statue for you? or do you just have to live without one?


I have had bruma crashes happen almost every time i alter an esp or add new mods lately. I would like to recommend this mod I have been using.


Update My Statue by Quarn



OF couse you need to be inside of bruma to use the activator but you will get a new updated statue and also an alternative texture option!


just go:

prid 00000000 <=(refid for current statue)



then enter bruma and click on the empty statue base to get a new one made. Make sure you write down the new refid for the new statue cause it will be different.


I would have used the "Kill BUGGED statues - Bruma CTD fix" mod though the first time cause i didnt know what the refid for my statue was. I had to add another statue base in the bruma caverns to get it to delete my statuel lol.

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