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CTD Pretty Quick


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***Sorry, I initially posted in Skyrim instead of Skyrim SE***


Hi Guys
I've been playing Skyrim with a lot of mods for a number of weeks and had no issues at all, until now (I play with a lot of mods, not over the plugin 255 limit though). I experience a crash to desktop anywhere between 30 seconds to a few minutes after loading, have tried all my manual saves + autosaves. Only changed I made was installing the Curator Companion for LOTD, I did try my saves with this uninstalled but it's the same issue. The crash logs are almost identical, with mainly these two lines occuring:
Possible relevant objects (2)
[ 1] TESNPC(Name: `Eadie`, FormId: 00000007, File: `AI Overhaul.esp <- Skyrim.esm`)
[ 1] PlayerCharacter(FormId: 00000014, BaseForm: TESNPC(Name: `Eadie`, FormId: 00000007, File: `AI Overhaul.esp <- Skyrim.esm`))
(Sometimes there will be an extra line or two about forearm, upperarm...)
[ 345] NiNode(Name: `NPC L Forearm [LLar]`)
[ 481] NiNode(Name: `CME L UpperArm [LUar]`)
Seems like my character (Named Eadie) is breaking the game? I'm just so confused that it runs fine for weeks and then this, so no idea :sad:
I thought it might've been my skeleton, so ran reinstalled XP32, nothing overwriting it, and running FNIS again, ran AllGUD Skeleton patcher, same issue.
I tested a new game with all mods active like normal, and it runs perfectly fine, but I've done so much this playthrough I'd really hope I could save it. Would anyone have any ideas at all on what I might be able to do?
Heres my modwatch:
Not sure if there's anything more I may need to provide
Many thanks :smile:
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Ai overhaul has 5 pages of separate bug reports on its modpage, I wouldn't use it personally.


Yeah I did try remove anything AI Overhaul based, and made sure there were no dependencies, but unfortunately still the same issue :(

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1-st, i would suggest you to check your system drivers, and try to update them to a lates once.
2-nd i was facing the same problem you are, and the problem was, that i have increased memory in bios from auto to 3200 or 3000. This was causing the CTD in skyrim for me. Moving back to auto resolved this problem. Not sure if this will work for you, since i dont even know you pc setup and how you working on it. But if you are saying that previously everything was fine, then 95% it something with your system itself and not mods.

Also try to start new game, if you still will receive CTD to desktop from the start, then it's probably not a mods problem.

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