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Warspace Mod- All items sell for 0 money


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I'm using the Warspace Extension Mod and have encountered a problem, all my items now sell for 0 money, everything like corpes and materials. I was messing around in the core ini file and might have messed things up a bit, now I cant find it lol . Where can I change this in the core.ini file? Ty



UPDATE: I finally found it I think here are some of my settings



ItemBalance=(eItem=eItem_SectoidCorpse, iCash=5, iElerium=0, iAlloys=0, iTime=-1, iEng=-1)
ItemBalance=(eItem=eItem_FloaterCorpse, iCash=5, iElerium=0, iAlloys=0, iTime=-1, iEng=-1)
ItemBalance=(eItem=eItem_ThinManCorpse, iCash=5, iElerium=0, iAlloys=0, iTime=-1, iEng=-1)
ItemBalance=(eItem=eItem_MutonCorpse, iCash=5, iElerium=0, iAlloys=0, iTime=-1, iEng=-1)
ItemBalance=(eItem=eItem_CryssalidCorpse, iCash=20, iElerium=0, iAlloys=0, iTime=-1,iEng=-1)
I ran the mod compiler again but it's still 0 money, any idea's?
Edited by Nutrollio
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