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how do i get the wazer wifle laser rifle

laser hamer

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consoule or to get it legitly go to littel lamplight and go to the grate hall and walk to the back coruner and serch for biwwey but make shur you have child at hart or lots of caps on hand

to buy it or smack him around and loot it off him but if you do you should go jump off a cliff.

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Use the console "player.additem 00061793 1" or to get it in-game go to Little Lamplight (at any time or during the main quest) and go to the Great Chamber near the back end. Search for the child Biwwy. It can be bought for either 500 or 250 caps (if your Barter skill is 50+). You can also get it for free through dialogue if you have the Child at Heart perk. You can also attack him and get him to pull out the weapon, shoot it out of his hands in V.A.T.S mode and pick it up off the ground. If you do though everyone in Little Lamplight will be aggressive to you and certain people ^ may want you to jump off a cliff.
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