dragonlord987 Posted June 2, 2013 Share Posted June 2, 2013 (edited) This is an addition. If you wish to read a detailed description of how far this idea has grown please refer to the comment below. I wrote it as a basic script to guide the progress of the mod. Know that if you should decide to join at any point, you will have as much creative input as anyone else on the team including me. As long as we follow the below script relatively closely, it is open for changes and rewrites at any time. Recently I was watching a YouTube series by Gophervids and was suddenly inspired; at first I thought I would make a quick dungeon, long hard and with a decent story back ground, however my ambition quickly grew beyond my abilities. i have been working on an idea for a massive project that may well take up to 3 or 4 people to get done in a timely manner, or one very dedicated and experienced mod developer. I have no skill with anything besides building a few devious traps and making a dungeon look fairly interesting. However to achieve my goal i will need the help of at least one if not more skilled mod developer. I wish to add several quests, new NPC's, spells, armor weapons, etc. To help give you a general idea about what my plans are I will tell you the basic story of my expansion sized project: Deep within the earth lies a secret long forgotten, a secret so powerful the dwarves and the Nords worked together to seal it away. an ancient war has been waging deep beneath Tamriel. 3 ancient gods, 2 sons and 1 daughter born of the combined might of Daedra and Divine. You stumble upon a barrow buried deep under a mountain, as you delve deeper and deeper into this strange crypt you are pulled into a struggle that has been waging since before the elves set foot on Tamriel. I plan on making many a quest and even having stories and bits of trivia that answer some of the oldest elder scrolls questions, such as what happened to the Falmer. Where did the dwarves go? Furthermore, the story goes much deeper than a few hodgepodge gods fighting each other. The story is rich with deceit and has an ultimate final boss that should put every other boss to shame. I would appreciate any help i can get on this and if you are interested in helping all help is appreciated. To start off the main project, I need is someone who can help me build a starting dungeon. Next, I will need someone who can make and implement complex NPC's and a slaver hideout where you can take over the business if kill the head slaver. Someone who can make slightly advanced magic and anyone that can make custom armors would be welcome as well. I am not looking for anything grand, just something that looks like it fits Skyrim. As the project progresses I will post more positions. Positions needed: Texture Artist(s): preferably able to make animal and plant textures. may be called upon to make a texture for new ores. 3-D Artists: 4 fields, be able to create new creatures. Be able to create custom armor and weapons. Be able to create new flora such as new trees and harvestable plants, and finally structures such as new wall types and house styles. Spell Effect Animator: there are going to be a whole new set of spells, and advanced versions of vanilla spells in this mod, even combining fire, frost, and shock into one super spell. Advanced AI Programmer. Subjects may vary in body style and design. Some will have the ability to fly and even crawl along walls and ceilings. The main boss will have wings and needs to be able to use an advanced spell system and fighting style to combat an army trying to stop him. Once the, armor, weapons, flora, buildings templates, creatures, and spell effects are completed Stage 2 will begin with construction of the rough landscape and end with the creation of beautiful unique landscapes and the beginnings of the city builds. When stage 3 begins voice actors will be needed. I am hoping for 5 male and 5 female voices, more would be preferable, but I will be able to work with 4 male and 3 female. Details will be added when we reach that stage. Hand Drawn Map(took picture with Iphone): http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/836/m844.jpg/ Edited August 19, 2013 by dragonlord987 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dragonlord987 Posted July 20, 2013 Author Share Posted July 20, 2013 (edited) OK so i have been gone for a while. but i have not stopped thinking about this mod idea. at first i was planning on building a huge underground dungeon, adding in a few puzzles and traps and then finally setting out a few armors. however as time has gone by i continue to build on this mod idea. If no one is willing to help i doubt i will ever get this mod completed on my own. so instead i am going to finish my original idea but post my full idea in case anyone wants to help me realize my vision. So i have not written the full story, i do have concept art that i will upload latter, but the story begins fairly simply. a plea from a slave. this mod adds a few slaves to skyrim. Some of the higher ups in skyrim will have a slave or two with them, some bandit camps, and sometimes you will come across a run away. You free the slaves from bandits or take them as your own, or pay the nobles a lot of coin to free their slave/s or buy them, and you can either help runaways or (if you happen to have cuffs) take them in for a reward. after freeing, buying, or "arresting" a slave they will tell you about a slave market run by a bunch of cruel slaver and bandits. when you go there there will be a few thugs out front that ask your business. you can either tell them to buy, turn in a runaway, intimidate them or put a sword through their stomachs. upon entering, you will be find a huge cavern with dozens of slavers running an under ground market selling everything that is illegal and hard to find in skyrim for outrageous prices. and not the good kind of outrageous either. you can make your way to the back and find the leader. you may talk to him and either, join his ranks (meaning do a few simple quests like searching for runaways and being a bouncer) using conversation options to persuade or intimidate (he would be the hardest man to intimidate in skyrim) or fight him. if you join he will eventually reveal he is dying of a horrible disease and has been looking for a replacement and then tell you about the real reason he set up camp there. if you kill him then you have the choice of either becoming the new leader or disbanding the market (at which point every one will leave and the cave become inhabited by bears) and can then read his log book to discover the truth about the camp. or if you use the conversation options he will tell you about some mining they are doing and how the camp got started. The truth is that many years ago he was once a treasure hunter who stumbled upon and ancient Nordic inscription in an collapsed part of one of the oldest Nordic barrow. It told of an ancient treasure, and a source of power beyond imagining. However the old mines are now closed. While digging the bandits and slavers dug up the old graves of some old Nords and the mines are now filled with angry spirits and undead. After clearing out the mines you will discover that the undead continued the dig themselves and uncovered the huge door of an ancient Nordic barrow. Some how you are able to tell that this Barrow is older then any other you have seen. the doors are barred, from the outside. A blood seal that can only be broken by one blessed by both divine and deadra. (translation you need to have a deadric artifact and one of the blessings from an altar. which there is one in the bandit kings quarters) The name of this Ancient Barrow is "Veteres Sepulcrum" meaning old tomb. Here is where i start to get more general to save time and not Give away too much info. Upon entering this ancient barrow you discover it lined with coffins and burials. this place was built to be a tomb. as you go deeper you come across a inscription that was written in many languages and you can read. it tells you that this place was once meant to test those that would seek the ancient power. you will also notice the appearance of dwemer pipes and the occasional clutter. after a series of puzzles, traps, and tests (meaning you get put through things that will require to to dink half of your potion stash to survive. at the end of each trial will be a key, lever, and new spell guarded over by an ancient king and queen, there are 12 puzzles and 4 tests, 4 kings and 4 queens. upon completing these trials you will be granted access to the treasure room. The treasure room seems to have been built by both dwemer and nords together and is where you will find gold, gems, new powerful spells books, and powerful armor and weapons. and a door. This door is also sealed and you may use the 4 keys you found to unlock it. after a short mine you will come across a dwemer ruin that was also buried and locked, this time by a steam valve, simply release the valve and the doors will swing open. as you go through the dwemer ruins you will come across many old experiments, such as green houses where they have grown special plants that can be used to create powerful potions and poisons of all types and combos. much like on solthiem there is a place where you can get a dwemer spider and sphere follower, but you can also get a centurion and if you have the immersive creatures mod installed a dwemer dragon. by this time you will be so deep you will start to come across lava. and even a lava forge that will allow for the creation of some powerful fire stone weapons and armor. the swords will be as strong as steel but deal heavy fire damage, the hammer and blunt weapons are as strong as ebony and deal slightly less fire damage. the armor is as protective as orcish and protect against 80% of cold while burning any that strike you for 10 points. at the lowest part of the ruins you will come across a maze with several entrances from different parts of the maze. so to explore it fully you have to enter it from different locations. with in the maze will be some leveled treasure, a few special versions of the fire stone weapons and armor and some traps. plus a Minotaur cause come on, as soon as you heard maze you all saw it coming. After you have found the exit it will be a large room with a huge wall, a wall that has a slight hum emanating from it, with another inscription on it. this time you must activate a lever and a recording of an old dwemer will appear, he will read the inscription to you. It will tell of an ancient accident, something that happens when a deadra and a divine battle. while usually the excess power that is left over from these battles fades away leaving scars, sometimes this excess power takes on a life of it's own and a union of deadra and divine is born. these abominations are called "oblitus" or the Forgotten. shunned by their parents they created their own plane of oblivion and live withing it. all was peaceful until 3 of the most powerful of the oblitus became power hungry. the ancient spider queen, the sleeping undead, and the star gazer. it is said that they were the first to battle like mortals. the spider became the incarnation of poison and stealth, the undead became the embodiment of warrior. and the gazer became the first to channel magicka. Many mortals lived in this land with the oblitus and some left this world with the secrets of the three and brought this knowledge to mundus. you are warned to turn away and presented with two new levers, one to seal the door forever by collapsing the ruins and burring the door once again or the other is to open it. if you choose to destroy the door then you are teleported back to the entrance of the cave but the mines inside are collapsed. the market will still be open if you left it open but the rest of the dungeon is sealed off. However there is always that other option. what if you choose to open the grand wall? what if you choose to pursue these secrets, learn this forbidden knowledge? what is behind that door? that door that lets off the ever so pleasant but ominous hum? If you choose to open the door to seek knowledge. behind the door is a huge room filled with non hostile falmer with no eyes. and at the far end of the room is a giant spider (im talking as big as the giant mudcrab from the mudcrab boss battle mod) trapped in a dwemer prison. these flamer are harmless and some are even willing to trade you poisons for food and falmer weapons and armor. along the walls are cat walks with falmer huts and dwarven rooms where the falmer sleep. at the top, right at the spiders eye level is a statue. you can use this statue to talk to the spider who has a very soft spoken and gentle voice. she is the one humming to keep the falmer calm and doing her bidding. she will tell you that long ago she was the ancient queen spider and her two enemies joined forces to cast her out of their home land. she has been trapped in this dwemer prison for thousands of years. you also learn from a dialogue that it was her poison that was used to blind the falmer and her influence coupled with the dwemer tortures that twisted them into such grotesque beings. she used them to attack the dwemer on more then one occasion and even used them to poison the Heart of Lorkhan so one of their experiments would go wrong. she begs you too free her. you can choose not too but then she refuses to help you and you can not progress. once you free her she will tell you that she was sent here through a portal deep with in the earth and you will need a key to open it. a key that happens to be the heart of the largest dwarven centurion you will ever face. after removing the key from it you will find an alter much like the one used to enter sovengard, surrounded by lava. the hey, which happens to be a dwarven staff that does massive shock damage, is then placed in the keyhole and you are allowed to pass through. Once you have passed through you will wake up in a dense swamp, in a circle of stones. the swamp of the spider queen. This plane of oblivion is called "Domus" (Home) it is lush and diverse. with dense forests, new creatures, towns and cities, the land is divided into 6 main parts. some of the sections are separated by huge walls and the only way to them is through caves in the side of the walls or thin narrow crags. every part of the land has it's own unique creatures and dangers, new flora, thriving cities. and a new story. After the undead and the gazer joined forces to banish the spider queen the two made an uneasy pack. over the centuries there has been much feuding but no war. the lands have prospered and grown rich. however, now that you have both freed the spider queen and opened the portal back home (something she could not have done even with the falmer's help) she has returned to plane of Domus and soon after you arrive things start to take a turn for the worst. the spider queen starts a war and both the undead and the gazer quickly break their treaty. all out war breaks out and you are to blame. you must pick a side. the out come of the war is completely up to you, there are many battlefields around the world that may at times have battles waging. depending on the side you picked you can affect the out come of the battles, by trying to end them peacefully, trying to convince one of the other generals to combined forces, or even try peace talks. the war has many outcomes, the obvious choices is to brute force it and win the war alone, the other choices are to join convince one of the other sides to help you conquer the other (like the gazer and undead did to the spider) or even try to win every one over and achieve real peace. depending on which side you choose effects what happens to you. remember that the spider favors stealth, the undead favors warriors, and the gazer favors mages. whatever the outcome of the war the story does not end there. you discover as the end of the war nears, the oblitus did not create their plane of oblivion as the legends say. the found it as a dead plane, a barren empty plane of oblivion with nothing but death and rock with in it. the oblitus used their might to shape the plane a new to suit them. however this was not their plane to command. something older, something much more dangerous, something trapped beneath the new Domus. is trying to escape. The son of Sithis. this plane once belonged to a spirit that called itself "Natus Adsellor " or son of "the Void" (which is this universe translates to sithis) for the past 15,000 years he has been influencing the plane of Domus. whispering in the ears of the three and influencing them to war over the land. as they war he feeds off of their power and the destruction as he attempts to break free. by the time the war is over he has already gained enough power to free himself. you will have to go and face him before he becomes to powerful to be killed. remember that he feeds off of the destruction so depending on what path you have chosen will effect how powerful he has become. after seeking him out you will find him buried deep beneath the central city (the city in the center of the map) in your attempt to stop him you accidentally break the final seal and release him. in his tomb he commends you on how well you have done and declares you as powerful as any aedra or deadra. he names you as his most valuable asset and accomplice. he then raises his tomb up into the city and you two fight. he will be wearing one of three sets or armor and use one of six attack styles. if you chose the spider he will be wearing light armor that is one tier above dragon scale, if you chose the undead he will be wearing armor one tier above deadric, and if you chose mage he will be wearing armor as strong as glass that weighs almost nothing. each set of armor will have a corresponding set of enchants. he will use either a two handed clay more, a long sword and shield, two daggers, a bow, two one handed swords or magic. his armor and weapons are the void tier, they are dark and sleek, but give off an ancient feel. he uses void magic. it is a new type of element that acts you can cast like fire and frost. but it's effects are to bind, weaken, blind, or spread. the basic cast has a chance to blind your enemy which makes them run around wildly swings in random directions. then there is a binding version that slows victims and drains their health. and the final version acts like an infection, if someone is hit by it any one they touch becomes infected, it causes the victim to become weaker, and has a random chance to either slow, drain, or cause the victim to hallucinate. (like blinding because they swing wildly and miss often but they keep heading towards you.) you will have the help of what ever army/ies you sided with. once you defeat him (if you do) you can take his armor and weapons off of his body. the other sets will be found in his coffin along with the spell books to learn his new spells. because you opened the portal the creatures of this land have started to find their way into tamriel. you may return to tamriel and return to Domus whenever you wish, (or maybe no that is more of a "when i get there" kind of deal) If anyone is interested in helping me with this. or just wants to steal my idea (which i am totally fine with by the way) i would love to see my vision come to life. as you can see this is too much for any one man and way too much for a nood to the construction set. so if this seems interesting please let me know. i am dying to see this become reality. Edited July 30, 2013 by dragonlord987 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dragonlord987 Posted July 27, 2013 Author Share Posted July 27, 2013 Concept art coming soon. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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