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Low FPS from one day to the other


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Hey Community,


4 days ago I stopped playing Skyrim with my char and played through Oblivion. The only things I did, was updating one armor mod(Aesir Armor) und adding the mods bounty hunting and better enemy AI.

And then I deactivated my Climates of Tamriel - Winter Edition.esp and installed another SoS-Wilds Compatibility esp.

Now I wanted to continue gaming in Ustengrav and experienced only to have an average of 22 FPS INSIDE A DUNGEON. (I didn't install any texture mods)


After deactivating my enb I could gain 10 more FPS. But before I made that break in gaming Skyrim, I had an average of 44 FPS !!


What I tried:

- deactivate ENB

- reset ini-files

- deactivate the new mods

- reinstall the old COT-Winter Edition.esp


During this experience of low FPS my VRAM is at about 1.2 of 2 GB available VRAM.

My RAM usage is at about 1.8 GB


Any suggestions, what troubles my game?

I would be grateful to any tipp.

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Sorry, I forgot to mention, that I updated my NVIDIA-driver from 314.22 to 320.18

To anyone, who has FPS problems only since a few days:


Don't install the 320.18


Reinstalling the 314.22 solved my problem (for whatever reason)

Edited by Minutemen2
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