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Miraak and the dragonsouls


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Hi there everyone.

Yeah it's me again.

I'm kinda freakin out here about Miraak in dragonborn.

If i beat the crap outa him he kills a dragon,turns into a ghost and that's it !

If i use the console to restore his health myself he morphs back but he wont call for another dragon so i just beat him to death. :confused:

The remaining dragon resists my screams no matter how often i try and Miraak aint dead from the quests perspective.

I don't have any idea what i'm supposed to do.

Funny thing is i've got tons of Miraaks equipment now since i can loot him everytime i kill him.

Kinda senseless though.

I didn't find any solution for this problem by using google except skipping the mission via console or waiting for a patch to fix that.

There's gotta be SOMEWAY to solve this right?

I mean that dlc is damn expensive and FULL of bugs i had to solve by using the console !

And now i have to skip the end?

For real?

I'd really appreciate any help !




edit: okay i managed to fix that and fought him the way it should be done.

Just deleted dragonactorscript.pex in scripts folder.

Now my problem is that he's dead,Mora is there to hold his speech but he doesn't and i can't loot Miraak because he's "busy" beeing dead.

Any ideas about that.

I'm finally so damn close !^^

Edited by TheWalkingKenny
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