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Balaclava Mask


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I'd like to see a simple mask like the Snow mask+helmet from Operation Anchorage, but without the helmet. I looked at the nif model to see if the mask was "complete" under the helmet. It wasn't. If you removed the helmet from the model, the top half of the head was missing.


So if someone could model the top part of the head, that would be great. We need more "spec ops" looking stuff and I hate helmets.

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Maybe there's a way to have it not remove the original head? (But then, I'd have no idea if there's a tickbox for this sort of thing, or if they did it as quick and dirty as possible, and didn't bother with that sort of model layering...)


An item will only overwrite the head mesh if the item has "head" tagged as one of it's biped model slots. Other head slots like the hair, hat and mask items all allow full use of the underlying facial mesh without replacing the head. It should be possible to model a balaclava and have it conform to the head and still wear helmets if you set the mask as a "hair" item in the GECK, or you could set it to use the helmet slot - but then it'd be impossible to wear helmets at the same time which isn't so cool as a modular approach in my opinion.


If you want to make it a conforming mesh using an .egm file, you have to set the item to occupy either the hair or hat slot though, at least from what I can remember when experimenting with conforming meshes for my mask mod.

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