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OP, calm down mate. The only hostility I've read in this thread has come from your end, from the very first post :p


First of all, mod authors do this for a hobby, they aren't getting any incentive to produce mods other then the enjoyment of making them. If they choose to share their work to the community, then its a bonus. You get them for free, you have no right to make demands. There's a big difference in providing contsructive feedback and outright demand something from somebody you don't know from Adam. We are gifted mods, not entitled to them.


Now that Bethesda has moved on, it means the game is a much more stable environment to mod without the fear of a month down the line a DLC or patch being released that could potentially cause problems. We've pretty much reached the beginnings of "the golden age" for Skyrim modding. The majority of the mods that get released from this point on will be under the latest patch so shouldn't cause major issues (from the perspective of the game, there's still the potential for author errors). Now that we've had the CK for a year, the "best practices" are being finalised and spread through the author community, so mods will be of a better overall quality and more stable. It takes time to reverse engineer these practices, the main way to figure them out is unfortunately by something causing problems and then figuring out why. There has been some collateral damage over this trial and error phase, but it has been for the greater good and these cases will be getting less and less as time goes on.


In my oppinion, your post wasn't really necessary because the majority of authors who takes this hobby a bit more seriously will already be using and creating new works under the 1.9 patch. It's the old mods you need to look out for. Personally, I won't be adding any mod to my game unless it's release date or update date has "2013" at the end of it.


Now before you jump down my throat, I too am a mod author and have been doing this for a year or two. I have a few releases under my belt, some interesting and unique WIPs being developed, and have collaborated in one way or another behind the scenes of some of the big guns (Frostfall, Hunting in Skyrim and Falskaar to name a few). I havnt been on these forums for that long, but am a regular part of the community in the Bethesda forums, especially offering help and guidance to people seeking advice in the Creation Kit sub-forum


Last thing, just because you are anonymous on the Internet doesn't mean politeness, courtesy and civility should go out the window. Contrary to what seems to be popular belief, debates are in-fact possible without having to resort to getting personal.


Kind Regards,

- Hypno

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I see that you're trying to put your hate on me, first of all, I am trying to help, if you don't want to make mods just don't do it! Yes it is mandatory to use the latest patch to make mods, I can't see why you would play the vanilla patch. But you're wrong when you say I don't have power or right to demanding it, I do have the power and that's why I'm demanding it, follow it or not, it's your choice and the consequences are getting troubles with compatibility later.

First, I don't understand what hate are you talking about, I don't hate your post, nor you, Bethesda, Skyrim, patches, Nexus, Pope, the king of Norway, and so on.


Second, it's not mandatory to use the latest patch, and you can ask anyone about that, be it mods or modders. Patches and DLCs are optional and so is supporting them.


Third, persistently demanding something gets you banned (or you get strikes), annoys the modder and no, you have no right to demand something out of a modder. Modders make mods for themselves (at east I do) as a hobby and they share it with people because they want to. Demanding something out of a person that shares his work for free with you is disrespectful, to say the least.


Dozens of mods have been removed and many authors left the moding scene because of demands they couldn't fulfill. While I don't respect those kinds of people, I do understand them. If a modder doesn't have Dawnguard cause he can't afford it or doesn't want it, and he can't make a compatibility patch for it, it doesn't make him a bad modder. And yet, people still demand him to make one, which makes some modders just remove the mod and leave.


Patches are the same, I didn't get the 1.5 patch when it came out because it was breaking one of my quests, same as 1.6 and 1.7. I updated to 1.8 from 1.4, a year passed between the two patches. Why? I wasn't willing to destroy my own game to please the users, simple as that.


Also, I don't care about mod conflicts, because they too are incompatibility issues, I'm here offering my idea, the funny thing is that the serious modders never reply to me, only guys like you trolls etc.


I wrote my sentence correctly, if the admins ban me from the website for that specific quote I will not mind, it will only prove that they don't have enough grammar knowlegde.

I politely told you that your title is misleading, thinking that you might ask a moderator to change it into something that is more descriptive or content-related, I honestly don't know what I did wrong there.


I know you wrote your sentence correctly, I just warned you that moderators ban pirates and the way that sentence is written may be interpreted as if you're implying that you may pirate the game. Again, I don't know what I did wrong.


By the way, I am a serious modder, been a modder for two years and a "recognized mod author" for over a year now. And in that time I had about a dozen hot file entries and one FOTM, there's even a mod of mine in the FO3 hot files section right now. So don't think for a moment that I don't know what I'm talking about.


>I'm not here to discuss with players, to make this clear, I hate even having to reply this to you, I play Skyrim because I hate kids like you (offline game thanks God), go tell your admin friend to ban me, it wont make a difference, but I will not take back any of my words, for that I know what's better for the players (and not the haters).

And now you insut me because of what exactly? I'm far from a kid, happily married, employed in the mlitary, and I don't remember when I last played the game other than to test my mods. I don't mod Skyrim cause I'm primarily a 3D modeler and the tools still haven't been made to ease making models for Skyrim, the endless stream of patches and unstable modding tools (unstable since Morrowind, for christ's sake) don't make it any easier either.


By the way, getting you banned or hating you is the last thing I wanted. Hell, I even tried to help you avoid getting banned by explaining that your sentence may be interpreted as if you're a possible pirate, and I get hostility and insults in return. :rolleyes:


I don't understand why you think I hate/insult you and to be honest, I don't thnk I even want to understand. My post did end up a bit crude but I was in a hurry, I didn't have time to write a wall of text explaining everything in teeny-tiny details. And all I stated are known facts and site rules, not figments of my imagination, so I stand by everything I said.


Legendary Edition reworked 1.9 patch.

Legendary Edition is basically GOTY, a bundle which includes the game, a full set of DLCs and the latest 1.9 patch that has been issued for the game on March 20th. Just like FO3 GOTY (patch 1.7), Oblivion GOTY (patch 1.5), Morrowind GOTY (patch 1.6), and so on.


They won't change the patch or make another one for Legendary Edition, it's going to be the standard 1.9 patch that already got shipped for the game. Or if they make a new one, it will include a 2.0 patch which will then be shipped to everyone else prior, upon, or after LE's release. I doubt they'll make a new patch or new DLCs though, GOTY always has the latest public patch and a full DLC set.


Ok ok ok, the only thing I cannot agree is the last part, the 1.9 patch it is indeed reworked, take your time to search, I'll be removing myself from the Nexus to please prideful guys like you, thanks for nothing! :)

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I see that you're trying to put your hate on me, first of all, I am trying to help, if you don't want to make mods just don't do it! Yes it is mandatory to use the latest patch to make mods, I can't see why you would play the vanilla patch. But you're wrong when you say I don't have power or right to demanding it, I do have the power and that's why I'm demanding it, follow it or not, it's your choice and the consequences are getting troubles with compatibility later.

First, I don't understand what hate are you talking about, I don't hate your post, nor you, Bethesda, Skyrim, patches, Nexus, Pope, the king of Norway, and so on.


Second, it's not mandatory to use the latest patch, and you can ask anyone about that, be it mods or modders. Patches and DLCs are optional and so is supporting them.


Third, persistently demanding something gets you banned (or you get strikes), annoys the modder and no, you have no right to demand something out of a modder. Modders make mods for themselves (at east I do) as a hobby and they share it with people because they want to. Demanding something out of a person that shares his work for free with you is disrespectful, to say the least.


Dozens of mods have been removed and many authors left the moding scene because of demands they couldn't fulfill. While I don't respect those kinds of people, I do understand them. If a modder doesn't have Dawnguard cause he can't afford it or doesn't want it, and he can't make a compatibility patch for it, it doesn't make him a bad modder. And yet, people still demand him to make one, which makes some modders just remove the mod and leave.


Patches are the same, I didn't get the 1.5 patch when it came out because it was breaking one of my quests, same as 1.6 and 1.7. I updated to 1.8 from 1.4, a year passed between the two patches. Why? I wasn't willing to destroy my own game to please the users, simple as that.


Also, I don't care about mod conflicts, because they too are incompatibility issues, I'm here offering my idea, the funny thing is that the serious modders never reply to me, only guys like you trolls etc.


I wrote my sentence correctly, if the admins ban me from the website for that specific quote I will not mind, it will only prove that they don't have enough grammar knowlegde.

I politely told you that your title is misleading, thinking that you might ask a moderator to change it into something that is more descriptive or content-related, I honestly don't know what I did wrong there.


I know you wrote your sentence correctly, I just warned you that moderators ban pirates and the way that sentence is written may be interpreted as if you're implying that you may pirate the game. Again, I don't know what I did wrong.


By the way, I am a serious modder, been a modder for two years and a "recognized mod author" for over a year now. And in that time I had about a dozen hot file entries and one FOTM, there's even a mod of mine in the FO3 hot files section right now. So don't think for a moment that I don't know what I'm talking about.


>I'm not here to discuss with players, to make this clear, I hate even having to reply this to you, I play Skyrim because I hate kids like you (offline game thanks God), go tell your admin friend to ban me, it wont make a difference, but I will not take back any of my words, for that I know what's better for the players (and not the haters).

And now you insut me because of what exactly? I'm far from a kid, happily married, employed in the mlitary, and I don't remember when I last played the game other than to test my mods. I don't mod Skyrim cause I'm primarily a 3D modeler and the tools still haven't been made to ease making models for Skyrim, the endless stream of patches and unstable modding tools (unstable since Morrowind, for christ's sake) don't make it any easier either.


By the way, getting you banned or hating you is the last thing I wanted. Hell, I even tried to help you avoid getting banned by explaining that your sentence may be interpreted as if you're a possible pirate, and I get hostility and insults in return. :rolleyes:


I don't understand why you think I hate/insult you and to be honest, I don't thnk I even want to understand. My post did end up a bit crude but I was in a hurry, I didn't have time to write a wall of text explaining everything in teeny-tiny details. And all I stated are known facts and site rules, not figments of my imagination, so I stand by everything I said.


Legendary Edition reworked 1.9 patch.

Legendary Edition is basically GOTY, a bundle which includes the game, a full set of DLCs and the latest 1.9 patch that has been issued for the game on March 20th. Just like FO3 GOTY (patch 1.7), Oblivion GOTY (patch 1.5), Morrowind GOTY (patch 1.6), and so on.


They won't change the patch or make another one for Legendary Edition, it's going to be the standard 1.9 patch that already got shipped for the game. Or if they make a new one, it will include a 2.0 patch which will then be shipped to everyone else prior, upon, or after LE's release. I doubt they'll make a new patch or new DLCs though, GOTY always has the latest public patch and a full DLC set.


Ok ok ok, the only thing I cannot agree is the last part, the 1.9 patch it is indeed reworked, take your time to search, I'll be removing myself from the Nexus to please prideful guys like you, thanks for nothing! :smile:


I don't understand why you are still angry. Several of the very well-known modders from this community took time out of their schedule to try to politely answer your post. You really don't get people to change their behaviors be demanding action. We are trying to, in the most polite way, point out that you are incorrect - Legendary Edition is a package of every released DLC, the original game, and its latest patch. Everyone has the option to update to v1.9 right now, which is the same version that Legendary will ship with.

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